Thursday, December 30, 2004

IN the mornin,i was blardy frustrated wif my ankle so i wasnt in that good a mood in sch..but what happened after sch was pure craziness..simple,pure madness..we r the 'sanest lunatics'..

After school n after some short meetin,went off to spend time wif the monkey..didnt noe where to go so we ended up in queenstown where we sat down at a bus stop, ate buns n drank a lychee drink(wif lychees!)..the shop where we bought from was really gd service ar..its realli the 'your friendly neighbourhood cafe' as its nice..then went to QSS..didnt buy anythin but the shirts all look the same in every shop o.o..i like this one shirt called 'this is my friend' n it showed a picture of a monkey..hahaha!went to Ikea,no..b4 dat went to AH n c the historical landmark-the WW2 underground cool but it was closed so cannot explore..went to Ikea,the chicken wings wasnt halal so he refused to eat(he was quite disappointed but he refused to eat since i cant eat)..then we went from 1 bus stop to another to find the bus that goes to JE so i can finally meet my jc friends..i was super late!super duper late..n i missed spendin time wif him..our timetables are horrible tis sem.around..really clash so hardly get 2 be wif him..dun even haf same lunch break unless i cum to sch earlier..which i'm tryin..

Boarded the bus 927 from cck..n i tot i landed in China..n i tot it seemed more that i was the tourist,not the rest of the ppl(who spoke the same language,with the same accent and carried the same open-mouth expressions;suaku probably)..whu pressed the bell at the wrong stop, n wanted to go down at that wrong stop but the driver refused to let them go down coz he apparently knew they were not plannin to go to Mandai Orchid Gardens(which was probably closed too) n that their destination was the nite safari..n they went like 'oyyy..(foreign language ensued)..'..THe whole journey,i was goin 'Dotz dotz dotz..i'm in china'..Anyway,was fallin asleep when..

Addy knocked on the window of the bus so i knew i reached liaoz ..reached where?nite safari the middle of the SCHOOL like 8pm ??I wasnt the onli one late,but the other 2 was super duper late(came after dinner)..n c'belle joined after her shift change a lot..looked a lot better(wonderin y the hell i'm still the same..ya,i refused to change 'Me')..looked a lot happier..became alittle wilder?(as compared to jc days..)..but ALL OF U Looked damn gorgeous(even Hani-Monroe..)..Amelia learnt to drive n she drove 2nitez..damn cool lor her car(or is it her dad's?)..7seater but in the end,10 of us squeezed in "-,-..She told us damn farnie story abt her "tragedy" wif her car which stalled recently(c'belle,d u finally catch her story?The rest of us heard it earlier until can die laughin...)..I dont tink i wanna share Here coz i'll definitely b murdered..After dinner,all squeezed into her car..which took quite awhile coz muz like really strategise to fit everybody in..dotz dotz..n must restrategise back once Addy n Joy got off at cck..damn cramped..really like human sardines n the other drivers on the road not helpin lor..the indian couple whu stared n laughed their heads off at us..the Malay woman driver whose eyes opened so HUGE when she saw us sardines..i didnt dare look after embarrassing,but damn fun..though it was really HUman Sardines..

Amelia dropped the rest at CB n me at PS to take the train home..thx gdness still got train lo(last train at 1203am heng ah..)..wasnt sure abt the bus so i took bus 13 tat dropped quite far off from my blk ..which is definitely nearer than being stck at potong pasir station..

Reached home eventually..except for addy n joy,the rest went clubbin..even hani..smsed val(whu is confirmed at CB,ladies nite mah..) to help watch out for them coz they're all girls wif no guys ard so pretty risky..n yah,i've 4gotten the lyrics of PJ sch song..i knew its v.nice,i like it..but heck,i cant remember it..unpatriotic me..still havent get my cert too..:D..nitez

Note to Jady..hey, i noe u were hospitalised n all so how've u been..c la,drink so much..haf a gd rest at home(i tink ur discharged since ur blog is like updated?) ok..i'll get back to u on msn as soon as i can find u online somehow(without u being away watchin tv or sumthin..)..

Nitez all~

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Thursday, December 30, 2004

12th October 1985

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Everyone's in pain..huge pain than me..pain i could never understand no matter how much pain i tink i have deep inside..In regard to the Huge disaster that had happened,and is still happening..its jus widespread pain..full of it..the whole of Asia's in pain..terrible,unsurmountable,unimaginable pain..unforgettable..Thank God for Singapore's being sheltered by Malaysia n Indonesia(as seen from the map)..but if the earthquake had happen on the other side of the ocean(the SOuth China Sea.GO haf a look at the map..or the ST..)..Singapore'll b v.much exposed..n i dont tink i'll b sittin here bloggin~Seriously O.O

Anyway, in short i'm in pain..too..blardy hell either twisted or sprained my right ankle(my ankles are turnin left n right AAAAAAAAAAaaaargh!)..First it was the left now its the Other ankle..blardy hell,i'm blardy frustrated..n it was juz 2 rounds of sparrin wif a Crazy white belter from SMU..after 2 years of no sparring, i really 'died' man..even wif a white belter..sparrin was 'blunt' and i was 'gentle'-Something i was Never associate with when i spar..blardy hell..wat am i turnin aikido,i'm tkd,i'm gentle..WTF..pain..*hung head in shame*..Give me a cave,somebody..Aikido was ok la,got partnered wif a girl with same blurness as me..n she thought i was the 'blur' one..diaoz!Wateva LA..n the tall,black belter guy is Freaky, n told us both off for being too tense..n he was doin his ballet twirls when he bumped into Dawn n didnt even apologise,so rude!..but it was the 1st time i went home after trainin by myself..=(..went home wif misery by my side..what a painful,lonely end to a '2trainings' day..........


Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Wednesday, December 29, 2004

12th October 1985

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Was surfin thru friendster then came across tis frenz of mine whu had moved away v.long ago then i realised..i'm not a part of her life anymore..well,mayb not a big part as i used to be..i mean we were neighbours ..n p.sch buddies(till pri.3?) till she her new school,new neighbourhood,new life altogether..n i wasnt a part of that 'new life'..pretty sad ritez..but tats how life is i guess..Was lookin at her photo,n she looked exactly the same..flamboyant creature she is ar..always change her mind abt love thus kept changin her bf like changin clothes..but deep down,just a normal sweet friend..i was there when her parents' marriage were on the rocks..i saw the horrid part..i saw the end..i saw,but i,unlike her,is just lookin,not participatin..her mum's 2nd marriage came n a new family all born..n she grew up..wif the typical teen angst..all the typical teen experiences tats up n down..but i wasnt ard..coz w/o knowin,we juz drifted apart ar..esp wif the distance(she lives in extreme east,i lives in the centre)..the onli communication we got was when she visited her grandpa livin in my she visits too,but nvr come up to my hse to chit chat like she used to the onli communication we had is once in a blue moon sms..usually mi smsin her n she'll go 'who're u.i changed my no so i cant recognise ur no..'..sad ar..Missed her also..she was the first close friend i found after my best friend passed away .. Tt time when i had my friend,i hated her coz she would b wif her 2 sisters n glarin at mi n i'll b glarin back..??den we became friends..den she we're barely friends..

THen i looked at my other pri.sch friend whom i'm not so close but whom i always tot was like the belle of the school..she still is i those schools she went..but she looked diff..maybe coz she drew her eyebrows till looked like anime-sharp kinda eyebrows..not close but she always has her own life..which i always tot was an idealistic one..i wonder if her grandma is still ard..n her less-abled sis..dats the thing tat bonded us..we had less-abled sisters..but thats it..

The onli thing tyin us together is memories..which i dunno if the abv ppl still has them la..*shrugs*..Life is like the central train station or Cityhall..Anyway,all the best to her,the close friend whom we had grew apart wasnt easy on her since young,hope she stays the gd but mischievous friend she always was to me..

Memories passed u by in different train stops..howeva,u cannot go back to the same station u once were at..U may looked thru the end of the train where the windows are(nel trains la) but like the nel train,wat u see thru it is dat the stops u once were at gets farther n farther away..till nothin more than a speck of light..n eventual darkness..*sighs*..tis is a depressing issue..nitez!

'Not a part of your life..not anymore..but we still havent say see ya till wheneva'

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Thursday, December 23, 2004

12th October 1985

MY head spinning,boy i'm in a daze..feel isolated,dont wanna communicate..-All saints..Nice nice old song 2 describe mi ritez now..

For some reason,i can go mad n my head can juz explode wif weird ideas which to me Will Work..if only i'm not too lazy..first thing day today..jasper's birthday..

It was sweet n everything started out fine..was smsin his classmate(whu nvr reply his smses!irritatin) to arrange where to haf the cake n all n he and the rest of the grp went to j8 swensen first(since the monkey is waitin for mi in sch)..Yea so he got his 1st birthday friends celebration of his life(so happi!) thx to his classmates..n he was damn hapi,so obvious from his face..initially he was accusin mi of sabo-ing him but he was too hapi just to haf his frenz ard him..At first, he didnt suspect anythin at all(i am dat gd hha..kiddin) he tot i juz wanna go swensen n eat which was ok..then i jus walked in without waitin for the staff to find us seats(we already had seats since his classmates waitin mah)n he was resistin,tinkin i'm that crazy to juz walk in n find us seats myself..then he saw his classmates n his eyes brightened obviously..lalala n the rest is history..^^ mission accomplished..

As we were on the way home, we started discussin abt pool n y there isnt one in our school..he'll b the 1st to join(and so does kk hha..)..n i spent the whole time in the bus thinkin abt it(it was a long trip home)..then i tot of huiwen whu actually set up an interest grp b4 so i asked her a few qns n she was like 'u muz write a business proposal n ur mentor will help u wif the rest if everythin is feasibly work out'..tat is like gd,not gd n not sayin anytin much..BSS used to have i went home n checked on the net abt other schools interest grps..n none haf billiards or pool..cept for ntu..n i wonder y...i'm stil wonderin y..y ar?After tat my mind went wild la

I mean,a bowlin club is everywhere n i tink its just as expensive or more expensive than pool/billiards ar..bowling is even listed in the IVP games tournaments..but there's NOthin on pool..y ar?i'm stumped,someone pls enlighten mi lei..

Then i started tinkin of a Black belt martial arts club..which i tink will b so damn cool la..i mean, can learn from each of them the martial arts that they pointers..raise awareness..even sparrin..then like silat vs. tkd sparring..or wushu vs.kendo weapons sparrin..damn cool..then learn the different rules n cultures n terms..i mean,i tink there are black belters in the school(like me)whu feel lost when joinin the sch's martial arts club ar since obviously,they may not b from the same club where they learnt from..if get together n formed one black belt club,then it'll b damn cool ar..but may arise alot of tension n rivalries..then see all the black belters perform together durin Martial Arts Night..*dreams*..wats more interestin is the respective martial arts ppl can learn from each other too cool so cool..i'm off to a faraway martial arts dreamland liaoz..but like this,must haf alot of respect n tolerance..coz there'll b alot alot of hypocrisy ard..but hypocrisy exist everywhere..i'm off i'm off..oh yea,this is inspired by the black belt club that Sir opened recently..mayb can ask him sponsor the trainings cool~

Dats it..i'm floatin off...oh ya..then there'll b aikido techniques vs. other martial arts' unarmed defence techniques..WOoOw..den the sensei(s) n Sir(s) n Ma'am(s) come,that'll b too political already..i shall continue dreamin..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Thursday, December 23, 2004

12th October 1985

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Mi went to the Sub.courts!Maybe i really shud make it my next hangout coz it was pretty fun..but the place itself is v.depressin~Though a bit suaku at first,it turned out pretty fun at the end...At first we(mi,lihui,caryn,bf,roshidah,maomao)walked ard since we dunno where to go or what to do..and for fear dat we may get arrested at any moment, so we juz wandered ard like lost sheep..Then this policeman suddenly came out of some court n told us kindly to go the foreigners' court while waitin 4 the 11am court-in-session to begin..n it was pretty least to me ar..

The foreigner's court is mostly for those illegal immigrants n those charged for overstayin..n the proceedings were damn fast ar..hardly a minute then the ppl got charged liaoz..its like the judge is playin with a dice underneath his table when he deals out the punishment lor..1mth,4strokes..6mths,8strokes..blah blah..damn quick,damn efficient..n damn stern..if i were them, i would go back to my home country n mark a big red cross in the world map where s'pore is lor..After awhile we left then stood around to gossip awhile b4 headin to court 24..then meemum said somethin abt most of the foreigners were livin in the queenstown area which cracked mi up coz these ppl were actually from Queenstown prison lol..

Court 24 damn slow..the judge took his own sweet time or he was busy wif other courts..then we sat ard like weirdos wif our notebooks n pens..n the families of those accused were starin at us like we were,yah,weirdos hha..Bored,started doodlin lo...i doodled one page full liaoz..howeva,..b4 the session start,then got a few policemen around..1 of them treated the place like his own home; used the phone n sat on the table like nobody's bz..then got one of them super cute..he was the highlight in my point of view the whole time heehee..until he came to the door n shouted to the accused(who jumped bail)'s sister:"hey you,come in. i said come in. the court's waiting for you.I said,come in" fierce until a bit scared liaoz..but he was still damn cute la..hee..monkey,ur still cuter la ;)..

K la,the session started n the prosecutor spoke damn fast we hardly catch wat he's speakin..all i noe is 1 jumped bail,1 got 6&4mths imprisonment for dunno wat offence after he pleaded leniency since he got a 4yr old daughter..if he noe in the 1st place he got a daughter,y did he do wateva offence he did...then got 2 bloody stupid juveniles being charged for an equally dumb offence of 2attempted robberies.."-,-..Obviously,while waitin for o'level results,they had nothin betta to do..bloody stupid idiots..n the one they had to rob?one of the accused's ex-employer..damn diaoz,bloody stuppid..Ok,we left soon after coz everyone's clearin out n left onli us.. i didnt want the judge ask us wat the hell we doin there after all the charges had been made..

So we ended up somewhere wif a KFC(somewhere coz i dunno where.put me in chinatown n i'll declare myself 'lost')..then this family whose relative was accused came around n ate juz besides us lor..i tink they didnt dare speak too much abt the accused since we recognised them, n they recognised us..n we knew them,but they dunno who the hell we are hha..armed wif notebook n pens,but no identification passes at all dat we're reporters or wat..After dat,we walked walked a bit n split up thereafter..the 4 went on to kovan to do their project while meemum went to meet alex,n i went off alone to find the monkey's present..Realised i can really spoil him wif all the presents i wanted to buy for him which i tink he needs la..oh well,had a great time anyway^^

Went off to aikido after was much betta than the last wk's one ar coz i tried to focus n pull myself together betta..partnered wif fara too(n she's improvin alot lo,compared to messy me)..i keep missin trainings(at tanglin) coz i hate it there..i mean,i luv it there but i hate it when i got thrown ard by the rough seniors..felt like kickin them upside rough ergh..really scared for gradin coz i really dunno much lo..both of us were like crackin the angmoh stand-in instructor..but i noe if sensei comes back to nyp,we'll b dead for sure lo..i mean,i was like laughing at some pt until cant stop..thx gdness Sirch(the stand in instructor)let us off n even helped us..he even thanx us for makin the mistake so he can alert the class abt!..hopefully can practise more soon(hopefully durin breaks)......

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Wednesday, December 22, 2004

12th October 1985

Monday, December 20, 2004

I hate Maggots!it is the TOp of my Unrest.i have Maggot-phobia as of now on!FrEeaky..Here's what happened..

I was done cooking my noodles n i smelled somethin bad from my room..which i guessed(unfortunately correctly)was from my plastic bag of my latest seashells which my monkey picked for me...i didnt had the time to clear n sort them out until it hapened..Maggots!Freakin everywhere maggots inSide the bag from dunno where n why..thx gdness i didnt opened the bag there n then in my room but rather dump the whole contents into the basin in the toilet...Then i saw a spider crawling..dat wasnt so creepy..den i saw white stuff wigglin ard the basin(which was blue)..n i know for sure that its Maggots..its Freakin maggots..Wah lauz,i lost my mind n juz sprayed everythin wif the hose at full blast..its creepy crawly maggots..urgh,bloody urgh!N spiders were not supposed to b killed in malay belief..i dun care abt the spider,i juz wanna rid the bloody white stuff wigglin ..U noe wats worse than wigglin maggots?its floating maggots,dead or undead..URrgh..

So i went back to my room,attemptin to eat my just-cooked noodles when i realised..they seemed like longer maggots..arrgh..n i freaked lihui out when i told her dat..but its true..swimmin in the curry..the noodles were eerily parallel to the maggots floatin inside the water in the toilet..Urrgh..nonetheless,i gave up i went back to the toilet,full of bravado..

"i cant do it.i can. No, i cant.AAAAAAAAAAAargh" that was basically my reaction when i reached the attempt to rid the maggots n save my seashells basically went out of the toilet bowl..i rushed out of the toilet n my mum was like'maggots ritez?serve u right. Dont tink i'll help u coz u know how much i hate those crawlies more than u'..i was like 'Mummmmmm!Call Airil(my cousin whu stayed wif me) to clear them for me..'..I ranted like a mad girl for few mins b4 she gave in n further sprayed the maggots out for mi...worse still,she put soap n more water so dat the maggots would rise up to the surface n it'll b easier to separate the seashells..I super wanna faint liaoz..dead maggots surfacing?it is Enuf..i'm feelin woozy liaoz..n creeped out..n freaked out..n light-headedness is startin to set in..ugh..i got goosebumps juz tinkin abt it..

Let me sit down..or better still,get some sleep...urgh..woozy woozy me..gdnite~

Sori lihui for freakin u out too,i couldnt help it!:D..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Monday, December 20, 2004

12th October 1985

Saturday, December 18, 2004

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^.."when two different worlds come together, its a brand new world"-(Summer Breeze of Love)..

Feelin pretty happy 2day..first of all is b'coz term break is Finally Here!!!!!!!!hip hip hooorayy,yippeeee..though i must admit i wasnt being a gd student for the past 3 weeks..kept mourning over the shortened holidays n how everyone Else are having their holidays..hey,but its Over..the 3wks i must be strong(&Healthy) for the next 10weeks..must 'up' my grades hopefully, n betta start payin attention to WW's finance acct stuff..i mean,i got the gist but i'm still hopeless when it comes to balancing the balance sheet..n i'm clueless when it comes to tis mornin's lecture coz was doodling ard wif caryn n her 2 'buns' clip..thx so much for the x'mas present lihui!!it was out of the blue, n a super pleasant surprise to end these 3weeks of sch!*grinz*

After school,went off to find the monkey whu was late as usual coz he was stuck wif his RO game..was gettin pretty sleepy waiting so i walked everywhere-from the pasar malam to this fashion to the shoppin centre..i realised i can't stand being motionless..i gotta move..n move fast..anywhere as long as i'm moving..dats y i knew i can never haf a deskbound job..Then off we went to TM..juz had a normal dinner n we went off to search for was a clear nitez ar so it was a pretty gd nitez to see stars..i managed to locate the Orion!!n the pot that circled it as MInli pointed out at the last..bbq/birthday/chalet??..but i still cant locate the i said,onli the '7sisters' could locate the '7sisters' cluster of stars..or mayb i'm juz blind..Then as we were watchin then there's like lots of cats around which is like so cool..n we started makin up stories abt them..

At first, got 3 cats like lined themselves up..n we were like 'ok,they're on a race,its abt to start,they're preparing themselves-ready,on your mark,get set..wait' hahha..n there was this another cat by the sidelines whom we called 'the referee'..

yet the race like nvr start n 1 of the 'contestants' like fallin asleep...then 2more cats came up and we called them 'the audience'..yet the race still nvr start wahaha..My theory was that the 'referee' dunno how to use the whistle,or he/she lost it..then the 'contestants' start leavin one by one followed by the referee..then the 'scene' ended..

After awhile,the cats came back n it was a new scene..this time there were 2cats..J n me speculated that they were havin an affair..n then another cat came up from behin n i was like 'ok,this one is the wife followin those two on their affair' when J pointed out to me 'but its male'..and i was like 'ok,the husband is following them..' n he was like diaozz..It was a short scene as all the cats 'talents' walked off..Then he started scaring them off one by one as we were makin our way home..n there was a couple nearby whu were lookin at us like we were Insane hha..i was like 'hey cat,shoo,get away from this crazy boy monkey'..

we spotted some more stars in the sky n it was super beautiful whole world(ok,not totally whole without my friends n family)was like laid out there..the stars,the night sky,the cats and him..oh ya,we spotted kittens n he scared them away too wif his monkey antics "-,-...Funny how,even wif all the family problems i'm facin now wif my dad,cousin everthing,life still haf cute ways to cheer mi up..

Stars,planets lightenin up the darkened their own ways/paths or without being directed,they formed their own identities(the orion,the sisters,the zodiac signs..) n laid out their destinies for us earthlings to study n appreciate..i lurvve the nite sky..though sometimes starin at it too much give mi nightmares..

Tuesday my classmates n i had to go Sub courts for hearings..i asked my family'where is sub.courts?i need to be there'..and they went 'why?What happened?why do you need to attend a hearing?"..n i was like 'umm,coz i'm endin up in jail'(Choy!)but that wasnt as farnie as how we crapped abt it on the way home from sch azhar takin the risk to make us go there n write reports,and how if the whole class go 2gether, the courtroom would be empty coz we frighten everyone away..n how we'll ask the judges n lawyers stupid qns or give stupid comments;)...and if we got caught for misbehaviour,we'll b calling him to bail us out n he went like 'if u haf 1number to call,dont call me'..y cant we go 'high courts'..that'll b super cool arr..roshidah said the accused were put in glass boxes n underneath there'll b a cellar that leads to the cool~Mayb the courts would be one of my new places to hang out hahaha..

:) nitez~it'll b an interesting week,happi holidays~

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Saturday, December 18, 2004

12th October 1985

Friday, December 17, 2004

"I will be the petrol station that keeps you goin on your journey"-Alex...isn't that sweet?I'm a sucker for korean dramas(heh!) and his grp's idea was like so 'korean/jap' storylines(Esp wif the korean characters in their teaser) dat i felt like crying after watching bitterly sweet..awww..i'll be your first audience to watch if it ever gets produced..providin got subtitles lo ^^..

Anyway,today was a pretty sweet day la..It started out as me wakin up earli just to have breakfast(of carrot cake,yay!!i lurvve carrot cake!) on my own b4 goin to sch...and i was late coz it was such a heavy breakfast and i couldnt move fast enuf to get to sch on time wahahaha..besides that,my sandals were hurtin mi for some strange reasons so dat impeded my movements..AV lecture was pretty fun wif the makeshift cameras(abit lame ar but still fun:D) dat we did wif ms kannan..dunno wat crank up/down,extreme close shot..wide angle shot blah was..informative?hha..Then after dat i made my way down to monkey's house cos i promised him i'll come ard wheneva i had a 4hr break..but 2day i couldnt really spent all 4hrs at his house coz had to cum back to sch to finalise the pitching/presentation dat we had after the break...As usual, i had fun trying to hide his *smelly* little pillow tat his mum made for him like eons ago hhaha(ur secret is exposed monkey;))..his non-productive chincillas were sleeping so i couldnt feed it..Anyway,i stayed for like a few mins b4 havin to make my way back(painfully) to school..Didnt get to c him after tat coz he was havin dinner wif his family..which is kinda good so i can actually go home n rot...n i did,and i fell asleep while waitin for 'achar' to start:(

The pitching was ok i think...almost every grp got bombarded wif qns from the class n mr.chia was in his 'i'm more experienced than u n i tink u should do this this this that to make ur presentation better' which left mi pretty scared..dat i was fannin myself n syaz was like 'y r u fannin urself?its freakin cold in here'..didnt realise that rachel was goin to give a summary of the entire plot nor did i noe they were playin the first 2 slides as a teaser so i started blabbin until they asked mi to hold on..i was like'oh ok..'(major OOops!Real sorry ppl)..Yikes..but everythin went ok was onli 5mins so it shouldnt b such a big deal ritez..n i like most of the other grp's ideas..i was major pleased tat chin teck was crazy abt Our idea on M.A.U hee..if only we can actually produced the whole thing,that'll b so coool..

Anyway,went home wif the rest as usual ..bought ice-cream from the ice-cream man(so nice!) n we merged wif maxine,chin teck,alex? n syaz on the way(whu kindly waited for us to finish our ice-creams) n went home 2gether-gether after dat..bought sushi on the way home(yay,my 2nd fave food eaten on the same day!) n got myself all heaty tat i ended up wif sore eyes n runny nose after my boo..

Realised that my dad kicked my cousin out of the house again!and he quietly informed him until my mum n i were like caught by surprise..even worse, we found out that he actually went all the way to inform my auntie to get my cousin out of the house(damn mean,pissed us off)..ALso realised that my parents quarreled yesterday nitez(no wonder everythin was like pitch dark when i came home..) dad was being like 'hey,this is my house n i'll do wat i like. I dont care wat ur precious daughter wil tink abt it coz TIs is my house' your house huh?then shall my mum,sis n me move out then?then it'll simply be 'Your house' and not 'ours'..*pissed off*..anyway,my mum n i cant do anythin then since dad had the nerve to actually ask my aunt to take her son away from the house n back to the village(where his faimly lives)..point is,he's a true blue singaporean,he wont settle for anythin less it'll come back to square one where he'll be livin all over the places of whom he noe..sad..n i tot his stay here is goin to b permanent..i tink he tot so too..>.<

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Friday, December 17, 2004

12th October 1985

its been weeks n i'm still havin my sinuses..real bad..n i hate it..i mean,if the nose wanna run away,go and run away,stop tryin to pull my face off n makin mi sneeze..n its like anythin i'll also it enterin an aircon room, or exiting..or opening my cupboard to boardin a bus..i kept sneezing,and its a pain..its givin mi a headache, n draining me out..i darent switch the fan on tho i'm super hot n yah,i'm sneezin as i'm typing..i'm not havin the flu..its jus the damn sinuses..will sayin damn get mi censored?i am so not well...but at least the presentation's over..the week's almost over,its term break!its x'mas celebration time!soon...soon..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Friday, December 17, 2004

12th October 1985

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Jiali gave mi some dark pictures so dat we can mayb applied in our pwpt..but i had to tinker ard with it until my imagination ran wild n sort of gave myself the creeps...especially the cat's eyes that 'fade' in at the last slide..So while i was like adding more stuff and changing bits of this n that, its like the 'cat's eyes' were like starin at me..yikes~ Then..i heard a cat yowling out of nowhere..thinkin it was my cat, i was like goin ard my house calling 'tiger,tiger' my cat's name..n u noe what?it disappeared..where's my cat?argh!!and the meowing n yowling continued..upon further investigation, i realised it was the stray cats at my block that were making the din..and freakin mi at tis time of 230am,i shall shut down the pwpt already n go to sleep...but i can stillpicture the cat's eyes starin at mi eerily in my mind...aaaargh!!!!!

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Thursday, December 16, 2004

12th October 1985

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

When you think you're the 'gd' one in a relationship..think again cos ur really are not..In fact, for all the 'gd' that u think u may haf done in contributing to the relationship..think again..coz in fact being 'gd' is just the cover up of the hidden 'badness' u haf in u..For all the 'gd' that you've could easily unravel everything with just one bad thing or even a bad sentence which u spoke or did without thinking..which i always seemed to do..*bangs head*..i guessed that goes for every sort of relationship you're involved in..

I'm truly sorry monkey...

Its true when they say u dont know a good thing when its in front of you..u haf to look down from the window of ur room to see him/her standin at the bus stop to realise how much they mean to you..i did..but u've said the words, u've done the actions..In that split second, u can juz undo everything and what seemed to be a wonderful day..the only thing thats left is regret,and hopes that you'll realise the damage u've done n they'll forgive u for it..but sometimes we dun deserved to be forgiven..for it happened too many times...Thats y i noe if he ever walks away from me, i know that i deserved it...for as he had described me so aptly..'you're the difficult one'..

*sad*i deserved his unforgiveness..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Wednesday, December 15, 2004

12th October 1985

Monday, December 13, 2004

As i squatted at the kitchen and stared at my sis hitting herself for the umpteen times, i cant help but wonder,'what is the pt of my existence anyway when as a sis,i cant even save her from her sufferings'..Y bother idolising at heroes,wishfully thinkin that i could be one when rite at home,i could do nothin but stare at my sis hittin herself, or Mum(not on purpose) whu tried to stop her..Its not the first time that my sis's face is like blue black all over due to all the beatings she set upon herself..its not fair to her, or is never fair i know,but when it comes to spcial ppl like her, Dont play life's rules with or against ppl likemy sis..its just cruel esp to ordinary ppl whu haf to take care of such special ppl nite n day like my mum..Y make us the spectators of her internal struggle with herself as she fights wateva inner demons dat she has wif her since birth(or so ppl claimed)..Put her out of her misery..put us out of being helpless~Advanced science cant help, traditional medicines only make her confused..n make the rest of us family blur too..n yah,helpless..

Oh ya,and its my dad's bday today which i cleanly forgot..n he called mi up to lecture mi abt borrowin my sim card to other ppl(which i nvr do cos i'm not Tat stupid as he tinks i could b)..n i sort of like fell myself into the defensive mood again..*sighs*I'm The useless member of the family..y the hell am i even existing?..To families born with special kids, they have Clever daughters n sons whu goes to universities n beyond n make them proud cos someday they wanna help their less privileged sibling..not me..i'm still selfishly findin my own way,hopin tat along the way,i noe whats the ans to help my sis..after like 19yrs, i'm still v.much clueless n lost ar..n yah, didnt get to go uni to make my family proud..instead make them disappoint in me n wasted their hopes..i'm such a self-centred bloody toot toot tooT~Y am i still here..urgh..

Its an eyesore to read my blog i noe..yah,i shall juz get lost.nitez~

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Monday, December 13, 2004

12th October 1985

*sober*..somehow i feel like going clubbing again..val,lets go tis wed ok?=D juz kid..though i missed the night life..of dancing ur stresses away..

Today started out as a pretty wonderful day..watched 'santa claus vs the snowman' at the Imax theatre which was quite crap coz it lasted for onli 30mins!!!and it cost 11bucks each..o.O Most ex. movie i ever watched shud put a sign saying 'Movie rated (PG) and to be shown only below the age of 12..wif the exceptions of parents)..cos thats wat it really all was ar..the kids whu manage drag the parents whu haf thick pockets to watch the 30mins show for 11bucks!!urgghh..

After that we went to shop around for matchin sneakers..n we did after stormin thru the crowds in toown..then we went to the rooftop to play...*drumroll* paper aeroplanes!!..Heh,i beat him at sailing paper boats and now i beat him in flying paper aeroplanes..he won like onli 3 times and i won like the rest of them hha...thats the advantage of growin up wif cousins..

Then i went off to meet my sec sch friends for dinner n he went home..coz his friend's bday dinner was canceled n we already parted ways..Ash brought his super young gf of 2 weeks and they were like all over each other tat i wanted to throw my new shoes at them lo..i mean,hello..i do haf an extra pair of shoes to throw at these kind of ppl ar..Anyway,we ate and then left for esplanade..when we were outside the restaurant,the 3 gay stooges* spotted mi n stared at mi for like 5 seconds like i'm a freak or somethin..Weiru,Yu Han n Edmund..I was super DUper SO freakin happi!!Cant believe my eyes,these guys were my jc tkd friends ar and two of them acc. kicked mi in the face when we sparred last time,but they're great guys to b around..Chat wif them for awhile and they looked good lor..weiru looked fantastic wif his new glasse(um maybe it was quite old coz havent seen him for like a year)..edmund becomin more n more liek the commando he is trained to be in ns..n yuhan..looked like a girl happy!!Totally changed my mood ard coz was feelin pretty down that he was not wif me..After that i was like 'aaargh,i'm so happpy i'm going crazy!!' as rightly pointed out by my friends..even scared nuraini by slappin down on her shoulders from behind till she almost fell down n has a heart attack.*grinz* Tis is so greaat..i missed my jc friends so much!!!!!

Now i hope to bump into more jc ppl or those i nvr see for like more than a freakin happy aaargh..Still remember the time when we were all trainin n foolin around,esp the guys..that was the best tkd memories i had in my whole tkd experience ar..somehow,it just felt like family though stanley sir was always ard to remind me that i'm the Outsider..but still,it was awesome..i missed jc days..though it was demanding,it just bond everybody together close..esp durin cca..awww..esp mi n sylvia whu were always going against Stanley sir..

oh ya,both my ankles are hurtin,even the not injured one..n i wore sandals yesterday n today when goin out,further hurtin my ankles..damn..

Sobering but freakin happy!!n there's school tomorrow n i didnt even touch a single notebook or paper aaarghhh..*grinz*gdnitez!!

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Monday, December 13, 2004

12th October 1985

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Yay,i rotted at home!For like the first time in a loooooong time..i woke up late then while the time away watching a few movies which i had watched before!Lol!It was a continuation of what i had been doing last nitez too!Which pissed my dad off and made him go to bed early..(think he wanted to watch soccer or something)..What a waste of time but it was nice rotting away with the company of the movies being played on tv..

The first one was this movie which i managed to catch the ending..n i cant remember what was its title..Then came the movie 'Enough' starring J.Lo..the plot itself was good so it doesnt matter who the lead actress was ar..i think this movie was the best out of the rest of her movies..Anyway,the movie was abt this woman trying to run away from her v.determined husband who was 'determined to haf the job,which he did.Determined to haf the house,which he did and determined to haf this woman which he did' as quoted. He turned out to b this psycho rich devious wifebeater kind of guy whu tried all ways and means to keep up with his wife whu was runnin away with their kid. N to make the story interesting,his wife has enuf brains to keep herself n Gracie the kid alive enlistin the help of a gym trainer and taking her husband out by herself with those self-defence tricks she had learnt..'Self defence is never murder' or so she learnt..

The 2nd one was 'Summer breeze of love' chinese movie starring the TWins..which i had watched halfway was a typical crappy but cute romantic movie abt them and the ups n downs of their love affairs quoted,'it was a Twins bandwagon'..ONe funny thing that i saw was the product placement thing that happened in the movie ar..I think Triumphs International, the bra company was one of the of the twins acted as a sales asst. in one of the shops which was ok la..what wasnt ok was the DHL in one of the twins' home,there were actually boxes n boxes of DHL stacked behind their sofas..y?the story never said they were planning to move out or something..I dunno lei,but it was v.obvious.i'm sure DHL was v.happy abt it ar..

Anyway,bumped Maomao or Meemum(the nickname actually fit her name nicely too!) at the toa payoh central while waitin for Val whu was late..she was on the way to meet her family for dinner,and she was late too!..but val and me had quite a boring time trawling thru Causeway pt(we did so juz to avoid the crowds in town but too bad,the crowds had spilled themselves at CP also)..Val bought her clips(For educational purposes;)) and no earrings..i bought Munchies Wafers, and no shoes.."-,-..We both bought Cleo(wif Taufik's face on it!) b4 goin home and spent time lookin at it on the way home ar..The outin reminded mi of the first time i went out with her back in sec 3?When we both dun noe each other much and went out shoppin together only to haf quite a boring time ar..I mean,it was fun that we got to chat and talk and juz caught up ar(esp after like so long nvr spent time with juz her like i used to do while studyin for my a's last yr)..But it was boring in the sense we didnt get to buy anything that we wanted,or needed!Urgh..nvm,next time we shall brave the crowds and hit the town!..

Bleah..nothin much to tok was juz abt rotting at home and spendin time wif val while the little boy away bbqing wif his sec sch classmates..n yun were wif her parents buying diamonds(o.O?!)..oh ya,and i'm aching everywhere after yesterday's training..and my left ankle is hurtin which is super no is bad news..v.v.bad news which i am now in denial to face..Let me hear the music before i face it ar..

Can i officially declare Saturdays as Rotting days?Coz it is!!..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Sunday, December 12, 2004

12th October 1985

Saturday, December 11, 2004

K. gave me a mind-challenging qn; 'is it possible two persons are in a relationship w/o realising it?'...Ideally,it is la..realistically..mayb not?..

Two ppl in a relationship w/o realisin it..then if they realise one day,then how?worse still,if they realise n keep quiet for fear of hurtin the other party by commentin abt it..then how?or how abt the end lei..what if they wanna break up,then how?there's no formalities dat goes 'you r my gf/bf' so how do you end it..Isnt it like a person gettin married without realising it also?like britney spears,but tats another story la..Then how do they get divorce..worser-er* still,how do they move on..

THen again,all these formalities'will u b my gf/bf/wife/husband/gay partner' blah blah are simply juz for the rest of us-the audience. We want to know if they are really together, and if they are,why is that,and if they are not,why not..Being the kepo Singaporeans*(whu needs to be told wat to do in order to do what they're told like the govt imposin a smokin ban on pubs/clubs) i guessed we juz wants to know if they Are together,or not...How,when,where,what,why will come later on after then *grand announcement which will set the pasar noises agn as usual..

then again,we need the formalities to confirm our places in society..say the name 'mrs w'- its a name that identified her to being legally married to a certain Mr.W..or a 'doctor' needs to b known as so dat we public knows he's a DOCTOR..clever us hee..

So can 2 persons be in a relationship w/o realising it?As mr azhar said; 'Can..but maybe not'..May 2 persons b in a relationship w/o realisin permissions asked,juz get on wif it la..

'All da best,K!' i, being the typical person, am waitin the Grand Announcement..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Saturday, December 11, 2004

12th October 1985

Juz keep training,training,training*-Dory..ok it wasnt 'training' that she said but 'swimming' but somehow the phrase was in my mind the whole time i was training tonight..though i felt like punching tat stupid stuck up show off arrogant chubby instructor whu came Late, and made us all ended late too!Irritating..heh,my vocab is gd lol~

But training wasnt that bad ar..first time trained after a long time*(2mth odd) of retirement..really tot i will retire n quit the school cca(which left mi wif no other easier options to train, unless i rush down to SP or somewhere under sir)..n wif my crappy timetable,that isnt goin to happen anytime soon wif that in mind(that i haf to retire if i dont wanna go the sch's training) n also the crux(this tkd junior guy mentioned abt a selection trial ongoin for the IVP pattern team)dat made mi dragged my feet to the training ground..onli to find it empty"-,- I WAS CONNED! There was no selection trial,heck,there was nobody there except for a few dancers..but Jolin spotted me n made mi changed my mind abt leaving..her friend is chubby too,and not a bad dancer. Plus,she got mi interested in joinin the dance club under the jap club..err maybe next year la..hmmmz.

Training wasnt bad,it was actually quite nice wif lesser ppl incl. dat of the ntu/smu students ard..until the CHUBBY man appeared n saved*(spoiled) the day. Learnt a few steps of the 1st dan pattern(after like 1.5 years??!) from 1 of the other black belters(the ntu is not counted as teachin coz he was simply displayin his pattern at the speed of light!)..Overall,not bad not bad..the only bad thing was unfit me and i ended up goin home wif aching joints n muscles..(which is actually gd coz that means my joints n muscles are still alive n around somewhere haha woohoo)..i despise the Chubby man. but i kept in mind jady's words;'u r here to train,not to get involve in political stuff'..yea,not political..itz nothing business,itz juz personal=D..oh,and there are changes in the patterns dat i am apparently unaware of, said the ntu black belter..*scratch head*tink so la,i've been out of the scene for some time also..n i heard Spex comin up usual,dunno,too late to join.most importantly,too unfit!so unfit that i'm dreading sparring liaoz..shame on me..*sighs*i used to love it..i still do..awww.nitez

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Saturday, December 11, 2004

12th October 1985

Friday, December 03, 2004

Yay,i juz watched 'shutter' finally!!After a whole lot of whining abt how no one would acc me to watch, and how by the time they might relent to watch wif me, the show would be over, the little boy finally agreed to watch wif mi!Yay!First time convinced him to watch a horror show wif happy!!But it was Freaki,the show i mean..i can totally believed if its adapted from a true i'm quite scared of takin pictures liaoz..o.O. It was a Nice Horror show for once, not too crap or too fake..juz horror though not tat scary ar..more visual horror than sound(sound effect) horror which always happen in such shows..but some parts were quite farnie like how photos are edited wif the ghostly images thru using photoshop..or that sex-changed lady-man in the toilet wif red fingernails..shant blog so much or i wont b able to sleep liaoz..gdnitez!

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Friday, December 03, 2004

12th October 1985

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Taufik won the s'pore idol!!!but so what,there'll be no world idol!!and Sly got a BMG contract too!Both of them received the same "prizes" though Taufik is rightfully the s'pore idol la!So anti-climax*disgusted* And While Sly's music future seemed strong,taufik's future is like on rocky platform..hello,who Is the S'pore Idol here?There's no Point Winning like this,there's no pt watching n voting like this lo!S'pore(mediacorp) twisted themselves into knots can they not even sure wat to do with the s'pore idol Winner lei..?? pissed off..all those months of hype n voting n proudly wanting an Idol in singapore all amounts to Nothing Lor at this rate..oops,late for meeting liaoz.Grr..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Thursday, December 02, 2004

12th October 1985

ScHool has started. Urgh. The lecturers?Bleaah..The modules?Worse; so many 'management' courses dat i'm wonderin if its really Media Studies that i am taking..Like farhanah said, 'I'm confused'..she is not alone=) But C-ing the classmates again once more is awesome!Major rotting time=) or 'mass rotting' right lihui? I wonder what happens when we reach the mass decomposition stage..if ever hha..

First day of School: Scriptwriting/storyboarding module by Ms Latha Kanan..whom Ms chong referred to as 'mis cannon' first reaction was 'where's Ms Left..?'(Kanan is 'right' in malay mah..) impression was, 'we're dealing wif a bitch here'..She wont even let us walk out of the classroom to go to the toilet..even scolded some of us when we tried to go n made them walked back to their,nyeh, dont like. She was an NP mass comm student they teach them to put on airs there??wateva! Journalistic module was greeted wif homework n a 1wk journal..Since all of us were feelin pretty shitty abt the reopenin of sch right smack in the beginning of holidays!,it was pretty comforting when the lecturer commented tat he's taking it harder than we all are(since his wife are expecting soon)..Sch ended at 7pm and i shant blog abt the rest cos it'll b all abt VC..vibrating condoms?,its my new mentor,bleaah..Oh ya,got my new grp eventually*after 3rounds of shifting ard n balloting due to some discrepancies*..Jiali,Wan,KK n Rachel..mixed match of ppl.Had our 1st meeting on the same day w/o Wan ard(whu was on holidays) n we spent the time crapping abt VC(now its vibratin condoms)commercial hence making rachel(the super pro govt gerl) traumatised throughout wahaha!In conclusion,first day was fun but draggy n slacky(Due to so many hrs break)..

Second day of schoool started with another grp meeting where rachel finally Embraced the idea of making a commercial abt condoms..well not abt condoms totally,but more twds HIV/Aids awareness stuff tats making headlines recently..we came up wif condom waterbomb/multiple bananas/condom skinned banana n wat nots..But Ms "Canon" not really sure abt our idea so we are seeing her today(yah,today,wednesday)..uhh,4got wat time liaoz,die..3pm..315?..KK,enuf abt school liaoz..its draggy n i seemed to be feelin sleepy in Every lesson for some reasons..o.O

Went out wif yun/val Finally..though we didnt get to watch DOllmaster which i had wanted..but still it was nice being wif them Again!SO long never get together liaoz..far east plaza actually looked foreign to me since we usually used to go there always ar..then we went there agn yesterday n though i was quite busy reading the smses which was fwded from my phone(which i left wif the little boy accidentally)to my mother's phone(which i'm usin at the moment) Some clothes actually caught my eye and i'm going back there soon(as soon as i get my Cheers pay)..Hey yah,i quitted..i Finally Quit!!but brenda is holdin on to my resignation letter coz she's aint tat sure whether i really want to quit..i don't really want to la,pretty attached to the place..and wif my dad hardly giving mi pocket money, i might haf to consider withdrawing my letter..*frowns*i dont want to work!*sighs* and my colleague juz got herself terminated for not turnin up for work wat the hell..the shortage of staff problem is gettin ridiculous! n i dont really wanna go back there, knowing i haf to face the same problem all over again..but its not nice leaving the place my colleagues stranded..its not my problem anymore!..but its Not nice..right?*stressed*I need

Gonna leave the house to go sch soon..for the 2nd time today.."-,- because i didnt receive the sms tat the 11am lecture was cancelled at the last min..thx gdness i didnt reached school but i reached toa i went to buy brunch for my mum/sis/myself..As expected,i bought carrot cake for me!!n laksa n kwa tiao(is tis how its spelled?) for my sis to eat..Ym yum..rot at home after eatin agn..*sniffs*i'm smelling something gd now,tink i'm gonna go finish up my carrot cake yay!..Bye!

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Thursday, December 02, 2004

12th October 1985

:+: AbouT Me :+:

Pri/sec/jc/poly Educated..
Sometimes crazy
Sometimes not
Sometimes quiet
Sometimes not
i am just that one girl

:+: Loves :+:

My mum!
My sis
My monkey!
My friends
My religion
Aikido/tkd trainings
Educating myself
i am just that one girl trying to love everything b4 time runs out

:+: Unrest :+:

Bossy/Snobs/hypocrites/ACBC/Act COol PPl
Lizards!/Flying Cockroaches
I am just that one girl trying hard to keep an open mind

:+: Histories :+:

08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005

:+: Taggie! :+:

:+: Party List :+:
Valentina's blog"
  Caryn's blog"
  Lihui's blog"
  Jady's blog
  Chin Teck's blog
  KK's blog
  Yirang's blog
  C'belle's blog
  IS's blog
  IS's drawings-blog
  Iskandar's blog
  Addy's blog
  Jia Li's blog
  Ming Sia's blog
  Fara's blog
  Rachel's blog
  Syaz's blog
  Dawnie's blog
  Isabelle's blog

:+: Exits :+:

:+:Elaine's World

:+: Ragnarok Romance :+: