Monday, January 31, 2005

'Month of the water bottle' so goes yirang's msn nick..i wonder y lei..n is it ending since we are now at the end of the month?..

'As constant as the stars above, always know that you are loved' - Rapunzel zonk in n out..wondered how i got thru the sch day today..glad it wasnt a 'heavy' lessons day..but then again the breaks in btw kinda emphasise the 'stony' feelings..but today's break was packed totally wif hardly time to like breathe..well besides the 1hr waitin for VC to appear, the rest of the break went into polishin up the FW competition...
*yawns*..FW competition..ok la,like meemum said,we're not aiming for anythin below 2k hha..ambitious yes,but we deserved it after the 'hellish' time we were put thru by vc at the last moment that she wants us to polish our stuff up..poor lihui was like hopping mad already wif her..but she didnt get any wink of sleep so i can understand y ar..but mayb vc deserved it wants us to rush so fast for wat..farnie..then we learnt how to write 'tamil' wif uma's handwritten 'tamil' phrase on the FW's paper..pretty cool ar,make mi want to learn tamil..but then again, i dunno if we shud be writin from left to rite or the other way round..o.O..caryn's got the best 'tamil' handwriting hahaha!congrats:p..Anyway,everythin submitted liaoz.hopefully, she wont call us up again 2morrow ..HOPEFULLY..
Wonder y my previous post didnt get published..mayb its coz i closed the window b4 i saved it was abt horse-riding..i missed riding...i missed 'my' horse..which has a wild streak in him,n though he's a retired rachehorse, the fire still burns in him..kinda like me..retired tkd-er,but hopefully still got 'fire' to spar...yea well,havent been goin tkd for almost a mth coz wanna concentrate on aikido..maybe i wont come back ever to the nyp trainings..sometimes i feel that tkd shud implement the aikido system..nvr train for so long reverts back to a white belter..there are times i wish i can juz re-learn tkd from the beginnin n stick to that particular club instead of jumpin from wagon to wagon like now..from bendemeer to pj to a little of gets tiring n i feel pretty lost la,even though i am still stickin wif Sir n Ma'am..
AIkido's gradin coming up soon..feel a little more confident though i cant say the same on the day itself la..after that,i'll probably start practising tkd on my own...need to feel that 'strength' that comes from practising tkd..Aikido is more harmonised n 'soft' n since its using others' strength, i cant really feel my own strength so to say la..maybe i need to learn more sensei said, the need to boost one's inner strength....
While on this subject,me wanna crap abt the jap.aikido girl at tcc..wah..i tink i'm gonna called her 'sailormars' coz she reminded mi of that lor..came to training in perfect attire..Mi got to pair up wif her for the first time last week n its like 'whoa' first it was like 'oh shit,somebody save me'..she isnt strong as in muscular strong..but her inner strength is like phwoar..but she's excellent lor..though a bit 'violent' ..very ironic,very confusing.i shall not bother but she earned my respect n i hope she earned mine since i was quite a fast learner that day *pleased* belt tkd vs black belt aikido girl..phwoar..but too bad la,i 'shrank' a little when trained wif her coz somehow she's like fragile but violent, weak but strong that kinda porcelain but still not 'china' made material..jasper said i shud be more assertive wif my strength but dun dare lei..somehow stupidly,i dun dare use against ppl one..firstly coz really no strength la..secondly, though i'm in luv wif martial arts, i dun see the need to like use it against those who dun practise it...tats y i tend to shy away when ppl wanna see my stuff..anyway,i haf not much stuff to show:D..
*yawns*i'm exhausted n i'm still blogging..i dun tink i'm writin sense gdnitez....As constant as the stars above,always know that U are loved..*hugs* how i noe of this quote..thru watchin rapunzel..Barbie rapunzel..-.- thx to my niece la..but it was quite a nice revert back to childhood days for a while..but the animation is horrible..oh well..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Monday, January 31, 2005

12th October 1985

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Screw u!!*stares fiercely at the screen*bloody hell..what an idiot..bloody idiot..the phone is already spoiled when he gave me yet now he's accusin mi left rite upside down for spoiling it..not enuf,he's accusin 'my friends' that i borrowed it to them n they spoiled it..hello,blame yourself..fucking screw u..wat the hell...

when i read the papers last time abt Leann Rimes suing her dad for money..i couldnt fathom y n how the blood ties get so bad over money n i sort of understood..SOME dads are losers..weak,pathetic bloody,i hope not ALL..somewhere out there,hopefully there are dads who are Responsible n stuff..but MOST think they can protect the world n family by goin out to work n get the money home..wat shit but his own shit he brought home..n spilled it on the rest of us who 'needs' his money ..wake up lar,we dont want money..we want him to be there n to know that somewhere in his small pathetic heart, that he cares for the family..jerk~!I'm seeing red..bloody pissed off from the moment he CAME home tonite..wats the pt of comin home if he's juz gonna make us boilin mad at his DUMBNess n false accusations dumb..

Came home n ask mi abt Parents day letter that arrived..he asked mi wat is it abt..i had no idea DUH..the lecturers havent said anythin wat,its juz A LETTER that came from the mail..FINE,parents day..not my day, i said the truth la;'i dunno'..then he went, 'yah, u dunno..everythin also u dunno.ur school u dunno..dun think u noe wat u studyin also..'SCREW wat i dun make it to the U..does that make me a LESSER human being or a child in his eyes? now wat,he's lookin down on mi coz of that!!bloody hell..think i dunno isit..i screwed up my life for him n now i'm payin for it n he dun even give a damn..ok fine,jc life wasnt that screwed,i enjoyed it but still i wasted 2 years coz i didnt make it..juz coz of an 'E' in the cert..fine,i took that back..but still i went to the jc for him n our relationship soured from then on that he even refused to come for the year 2 Parents-teachers meeting 2years brother had to take his place..forget it la,in his mind,i'm a DISAPPOINTMENT..go have another CHILD then..oh,i forgot..cannot coz later end up like my sis how..Damn DUMB!

AFter that insinuation, i went off downstairs with Mum to cool down..went to brother's place to have some FUN that i cant get at home with HIM around..its enuf he's acting like a spoiled brat n accusin my nieces/nephews for spoiling the stuff around the house to my mum he's out for my throat when i was juz sittin there watchin tv..wth...reached home abt 12plus n he's still sittin there..

by then,i had forgotten my anger wif him n jokingly told him he gave mi a spoiled phone..n THEN he started again..Accusing me what I had done to the phone when i've been takin gd care of it..Accusing me of SPOILING everything that i have..screw HIM..told him NICELY the phone was already spoiled when he gave me, n like the spoiled selfish brat, he rebutted la..said it was my own fault for spoiling when i DIDNT even spoil it..i didnt drop,drown or even lose it..heck,i took care of it better than my own phone(WHICH I PAID FOR WITH MY OWN MONEY N HE HAPPILY TRADED IT FOR A BRAND NEW PHONE OF HIS OWN!!)..but WHAT is the damn pt when in the end it boils down to this la-the 'assumed conclusion' i 'spoiled' the phone in some way somehow!..bloody hell..Unhappy already that he cant find anythin Concrete to accuse me,he asked mi to take the phone for servicing..did he mention of course is ASSUMED i'll come out wif it on my own..or maybe wif my mum's money la..SCREW HIM!tis is so ridiculous..

SO ridiculous i shall let it slide as usual..he's askin mi to grow up,i'm waitin for him to GROW up all these years..pls la,everything also he believed from his friends not us..right or wrong he takes it from his friends POV..not us..who's the childish one again ar...something gets spoiled,who's the first to react n throw the blames anyhow around..worse,he threw the blames at little kids a.k.a my nephews n nieces.."-.-..he went to bed liaoz to sulk lor..WHO"S THE CHILDISH ONE again..*stares angrily at the screen*..childish idiot..i'm sori i'm sayin tis abt my dad..sorri dad,but u deserved it..>.<~

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Saturday, January 29, 2005

12th October 1985

I missed riding..especially at a time like this when i'm so mad i cant even think..when i juz wanna kick some asses or punch some faces(his come to mind..)..or..i juz wanna ride again..i missed riding horses..or what i called 'my' horse-Ocean Jupiter even though he's paid n rightfully belonged to someone else at the BUkit Timah Saddle CLub..

First time i learn how to ride,i rode on OJ..he was a 'wild' one n i Lurvve him..he was a racehorse once but he had some injuries n 'retire' to BTSC..Hillary,my trainer then called him a 'pighead' coz he has a mind of his own n follows his own cool ritez,for a horse tat is..i got to ride him from the start,earlier than the rest coz he cant bear to be walked from the stable to the training area..i 4got wat it was called..At first, was feelin v.jittery coz i'm pretty scared of heights and he is a big,tall horse..almost as tall as a stallion i,he got thick dark brown hairs and a funny mark on the neck if i remembered correctly..then there was the 'number' that was "burnt" onto him with a metal rod so he could be identified..sounds cruel but thats the SOP i tink..

Anyway, we learnt how to walk besides the horse..ppl must always stand on the right side of the horse n must not be too near to their butts or we'll get kicked..its coz the horse eyes have a blind spot n cant see beyond its it'll start kicking if it senses anythin near its butts..n we learnt that horses cannot be lined up besides each other or they'll start kicking cool..i lurve horses..especially ocean jupiter..i was quite sad that teh following lessons i didnt get to have him coz he was either in a bad mood, or he's being taken up by another class or was juz takin a rest for the day..but he left a HUGE impression on me..Durin my ride with him, he went all jumpy suddenly and started to stand on his two hind i was like suspendin in mid-air on him ar like performin a circus stunt or something..the trainer's back was to me so she couldnt see whats goin i had to save my own life basically..somehow,i juz pulled the reins juz enuf so that it wont hurt him but it'll also calmed him down..n it worked..yay!..juz in time for her to turn ard n go 'what happened?must be a fly biting his stomach or somethin..i dunno how u did that,but gd job anyway' *pleased*..i juz turned a cowgirl for that moment..

Anyway,i missed riding..when u ride,its like everythin else melts away..its only u n the horse n Mother nature surrounding u..juz to feel the beat of the horse trotting along is soothin feel it gallop will be like 'whoa,there goes everything' n juz feel the worries of life literally FLY away with every gallop of the horse..aww,i missed riding..

My dream after that riding coursewas to have an island all by myself n set up stables all over..i mean, i can juz import the horses(i want the horses to be those retired from the turf club,esp after i learnt that They put down 5000 injured/unable to race-horses a year as claimed by the trainer)..wont it be cool..juz stables everywhere n green fields all around for the horses to roam..maybe can set up a horse-training school(it WONT be expensive like the BTSC) n it'll cater to the COmmunity instead of rich foreigners who may have a horse or not back in their home country..*dreams*..But that means i must be HUGELY,SUPERBLY rich like donald trump ...come to tink of it, isnt singapore openin its islands up for sale?..or is it some other islands overseas..the one thats shaped like a mini world,now where do i get the money part to buy the island..when now i dun even haf enuf to buy a discman..OoOh..

I want a horse..i want Ocean jupiter rather..
i want an island,so i can haf him n his friends on it to roam freely too..
i want an island made of stables so i can ride on Ocean Jupiter n roam far far away..n yet,i know i'll still be home..wif no worries *dreams*

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Saturday, January 29, 2005

12th October 1985

Monday, January 24, 2005

I juz found a connection btw my 1st year Gp mentor n my 1st year scriptwriting teacher..they both named after the letter 'A'..n they taught mi English..though from two very different spectrums..i used to tink malay teachers sux..yea,coz my malay sux thx to them hhaha!..kidding..but these two Mr.A sort of change my views i think..for better or worse;)..

First up was another Mr.A called Mr.Ali..or Cikgu Ali from my now defunct/merged primary school..we called him Cikgu Ali..he was a horny one..from a child's POV..ya, he was a 'naughty teacher' ..from the parents' POV..'he is a chee ko pek'..who said that?my mother said one..she knew coz he taught my brother..there once were rumours he stayed in a classroom while a little girl student was changing for a concert..somethin to tat effect ar..Anyway,he also likes to pick his nose when teaching but he was a v.funny teacher..he didnt teach mi much but i knew i had fun in his lessons..he was portly n bald, tall n 'dirty' lol but he's a funny teacher..last i heard, he was selling mee rebus near my primary school..

SEcond was Mr.A..ya we called him Mr.A coz thats how he liked to be called..his name is Mr.Ariffin n he has an accent b'coz he studied political science in dunno whichangmoh country..very talented..he's a Malaysian n he travels back to Malaysia, Johor everyday..he carries an umbrella everyday coz he says the dogs near his hometown will stay away from him like that..he's my GP teacher for first year..he lost our essays on his way to school one morning..he left it in the blue 'bas pekerja' bus and all of us had a good laugh over it..he's a very nice teacher too..we celebrate his birthday even though we were no longer his class students n we made him a collage i tink..a vanguard sheet filled with writings n pictures n drawings if not wrong?..then i remembered juice wrote down 'when will we have our 'lost' essays back?'..damn farnie..he likes to sing during concerts too..he sang a duet with another teacher for one event, and he sang the Carlsberg's theme song at another(or was it the same event)..Once i walked back to the mrt with him n he thought i hate Malaysia coz of the weather or somethin..guessed i left him wif a wrong impression ar >.<..i dont hate johor,i juz hate the kental malay guys..bleah..

Then now its Mr.Azhar..if not wrong, a former sports journalist ritez..I knew he traveled like everywhere n he's damn experienced..i can just go 'and you go whoa, and then you were like whoa..' like Crush the turtle said in 'Findin Nemo'..During orientation, the first time that we DMSM students met him, he 'traumatised' us with questions in regards to the current news..i tot it was no big deal since i gotta read the papers for GP anyway..but i 4got that GP was like way back in Nov' 03 n it was then July 04..busy workin,not enuf reading..i was punished with sore marks..n a wakeup call..Thought we wont b seein him ever..i mean, he was carrying the camera so we tot he was juz a cameraman hha!..So far, his classes are accompanied by part-time lecturers so hardly get to 'personalise' much wif him..maybe tis is how poly lecturers are like..'touch n go' but will be there always to guide you, or left u stranded?lol..Anyway, he 'lasted' with us until now n he's havin his baby now..or he had his baby last Tuesday..So sweet ritez!!..its a boy..i think a boy as the eldest one is always good..yea, brand mi 'conservative' n 'sexist' but i tink it is just the 'right way' to have children..tomorrow must also hand up his essays..lookin fwd to news abt his baby..he'll be one haggard man like every first time father is..^^..

SO there it is..Mr.A's in my life..3 of them..colourful personalities too..n not onli teach differing spectrums, but all of them come from different-pronged kinda lives was a malay teacher in was a political science graduate n now a college teacher..n the last is from the media,traveled the world n now a teacher n a father..Aww..Oh ya, still dunno if mr.A(the real Mr.A) is married yet..he refused to answer that question for the years that we were there...he simply REfused n Avoided our question no matter how many times we, esp Joseph tried to ask or put it in different ways..he called it 'personal' n simply, none of our business....yea..none of mine..i shall zZzzz liaoz n dream of gettin 'A's..not them,but grades 'A'.....if only..*dreams*

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Monday, January 24, 2005

12th October 1985

'Breakaway' chorus:
I'll spread my wings
and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness
and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Today i felt pretty complete, which is something rare to me la..always feel like got something missing, something havent do, something i've Forgotten to do(maybe i'm still 4getting ^^)..but today felt complete..Without leaving the house too yay..Monkey came down today to accompany me accompany my sister while my parents went to Expo..It was like one of those rare times they went out 'shopping' mum had to fork out the money coz my dad was pretty down n broke after spending most of his pay on his new phone .. then my mum said he took advantage of her by buying two 30 dollars worth of shirts which were too big for him so he has to go down to Robinsons store to change tomorrow..haha..
they bought dragon beard candies(my fave!) and chocolates(my fave too!) for monkey n me but he left beforehand coz he had to go home n mop the house..Left mi on my own to acc my sis then..finished up Latha's script and finished up Azhar's PRint/broadcast scripts..yay,i finished my hw!..n i finished SSL's reports on Friday/Sat too!n i tried studying for WW's test on Friday..not much goes into my head obviously..i mean, as i studied the definitions of the accts n the concepts,i kept thinking 'she's not even gonna test me on this, will she?She's gonna test me on numbers-which i shall then 'die' n 'bury' myself afterwards'..If accts is this theoretical Only,i'll at least have some Hope that i can do well in it..but lemme keep on dreaming..Asked my monkey alot of the acct stuff and i realised he's still good at it even though he barely touches it for like a year plus already since o' pro..mi so lan even after touching it like every week..Maybe its coz i 'touch-n-go' the lecture notes only:D..
We watched 'Pokemon's First Movie' today on his brother's laptop which he brought..Pikachu is so cute!!so adorableee..PIKA...CHOOoo! cute,argh!!..RRRRrrr...Pika,pika!!..Bulbasaur also..'Bulba,bulba'! but Mew is so Cute also..Meow,meow meow..she got a haunting melody with her too..Pika,pika!!Lalala,i'm goin pokemon-mad again!..Pika,pika!AAargh,i'm in love with Pikachu!..i dont remember him so cute when watching the cartoon series the other time..i only remember i like Meowth whu's a silly,silly pokepet wif the Team Rocket..Aaargh,i'm melting..PIKA....CHooO!*hugs*
So,got my parents to go out n enjoy themselves(i tink..they dunno how to go Expo n ended up walking 5 bus stops there from Tanah Merah dotz.) my monkey wif my sister's behavin herself..done my homework n part of the projects..n got Pikachu!!!!!Pika,pika...CHOooO!
n he knows wat to dread for the next few days coz i'll be going 'Pika,Pika!!!...CHOoo!!!'..Awww..*hugs everyone*
Though i felt very happy today,i know somewhere out there somebody is crying and ranting at tis huge, cruel world..Maybe its one of the tsunami victims, maybe its someone close to me..maybe its somebody else where something horrible has happened to them in ways i could never fathom or imagine...If i could,i'll extend my shoulder n my hug to that person..anyone at tell them the world does have its roses..its jus hiding behind all the thorns dats all..*hugs to anyone who's feelin damn suay n down*..Take care, god bless..IF i could, i wanna be there with tell them life will be ok somehow..n succumbing to death is not the easy way out..Love, Siti

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Monday, January 24, 2005

12th October 1985

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Juz read someone's blog few mins ago,and i felt v.upset..i mean,its been goin on ever since i knew her n the problem seemed to be getting nowhere i feel..i admit, i have been the very 'unfeeling' friend these days when i am in fact, the most 'feeling' one..i dun haf to read the blog, i dun haf to noe,i can juz walk away n continue to being blase..but i cant for i am not that kind of person....

yesterday,i almost couldnt sleep coz i was worried abt her..n a bit pissed off too la..until my dear forced-sms mi to stop it n juz sleep..i came up wif a quote though..'sometimes in life u haf to be cold-hearted juz to make them learn'.. it sux i noe..

i dun haf to feel upset, i dun haf to feel anything..i'm juz bloggin for the hope that she can somehow connect back to us who's gettin increasingly worried yet is her own problem n i know she'll come out strong..but until when since the problem seemed to be goin nowhere..We'll be around..either to pick You up when u've fallen, or be with You when you think you'll be ok..very young,but v.strong..i believe she can make it somehow..

Anyway, i came home to realise my sister had her fits again..n i tink she had it again while i was watchin tv n mum's takin a rest..where's my dad when u needs him..i sincerely wanna believe he's workin Hard for the Family see..but wats the pt of workin hard when u dun seem to be around when we need u most..heck, mum dun even dare to go to the hospital for fear that he'll kick up a fuss coz we'll be usin his medisave...but in truth, i'll give my dad credit for the fact that he dont want my sis to be 'tortured' anymore by the useless wat if the Whole hospital knew abt my doesnt make a difference if they cant do anythin to make her life a better one..I hate it especially when they bring in a grp of medical students to study my sis's condition coz they themselves cannot figure out how to cure sis is not a specimen,get lost~!

Life is never easy, but y does it haf to be hard for my sister whu cant even fend for herself..n makes it harder for mum to take care of's a questions of 'why's that sometimes never get answered, but i need to ask y that it is my Sis who is suffering like aimlessly..sometimes, i felt life is juz bidding her by..she's juz waitin for time to pass n finish..n we're waiting for a miracle to set her free.....

i dreamt a scene where there were 2 sisters playin dressin up 2gether..i dreamt they were my sis n me..all grown up n dressin 2gether..the scene looked a bit angmo-ish though but it was a happy scene..does it mean the least, my 'sister' looked beautiful in my dream..

dreams are juz another state of mind that potrays your desires in your subconscious self..or thats the gist of what Freud is saying la..there's no sexual connotation nor is there an unrepressed side to it..all it speaks of is my desire that my sis, can one day be normal..

sometimes i noe its mean n selfish of me to wish for somethin that seems impossible..n it makes it seem that i am not acceptin her for who she is..then again, somtimes how can i accept what she is when she dont even noe who i am..selfish me huh.gdnitez~

i do accept my sis..its juz dat i cant accept myself for being the sis who's always not around..n for being the daughter who's always seemed to be preoccupied wif her own life..

*bites lips*Again, i'm strong enough to overcome whateva shit life throws at me..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Thursday, January 20, 2005

12th October 1985

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

siti sits on the old gum tree
runny runny nose has she
how dusty ur life may be

Siti sits on the old gum tree,
Eating all the gumdrops she can see.
Stop, Siti,Stop
Stop,nose,stop b4 u fly off siti's face to me

Siti has a runny nose
runny nose
runny nose
siti had a runny nose
her nose was red like a rose..

everywhere that siti went
siti went,siti went
everywhere that siti went
the nose was sure to run..

It followed her to school one day,
school one day,
school one day.
it followed her to school one day,
Which was against the rules.

it made her friends cringe n cry
cringe n cry,
cringe n cry
To see her sneeze in class
siti's nose is running again
running again,running again
siti's nose is running again
my fair lady
siti n her nose
went up the hill
to fetch a packet of tissues
siti fell down
n broke her crown
n nose went running after

up siti got
n home she trot
as fast as she could muster
went to bed
n plaster her nose
wif as much tissues as she could hold
Enough liaoz,too sleepy to 'destroy'the nursery rhymes further..cant believe i can write all tis while my sis is hittin herself until her nose bled la..current injuries:(maybe) a broken nose, another blue-black eye n bruises etcetera..*sighs*i wonder if its her medicine making her do tis..but i'm more worried abt my mum whu's getitn too old to handle her also..seems like i'm pretty apathetic to wat my sis is doin to herself,but when i tink how even teh Doctors are helpless to help her, wat more can a sis like mi do..useless me as always..When i tink how NYP physiotherapy takes in students who dun haf a'level 'science' subject, i shud've try my chances to go n apply instead..but i knew all tis too late liaoz..not tat i regret joinin DMSM,but maybe i shud've taken That up so at least its Relevant to helpin my sister wif her condition..if only i had knew earlier LOR..but maybe its all juz fate..even if i take it after i haf my DMSM cert,will it be too late to help my sis den..?i shall not tink abt it,n sleep!..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Wednesday, January 19, 2005

12th October 1985

siti sits on the old gum tree
runny runny nose has she
how dusty ur life may be

Siti sits on the old gum tree,
Eating all the gumdrops she can see.
Stop, Siti,Stop
Stop,nose,stop b4 u fly off siti's face to me

Siti has a runny nose
runny nose
runny nose
siti had a runny nose
her nose was red like a rose..

everywhere that siti went
siti went,siti went
everywhere that siti went
the nose was sure to run..

It followed her to school one day,
school one day,
school one day.
it followed her to school one day,
Which was against the rules.

it made her friends cringe n cry
cringe n cry,
cringe n cry
To see her sneeze in class
siti's nose is running again
running again,running again
siti's nose is running again
my fair lady
siti n her nose
went up the hill
to fetch a packet of tissues
siti fell down
n broke her crown
n nose went running after

up siti got
n home she trot
as fast as she could muster
went to bed
n plaster her nose
wif as much tissues as she could hold
Enough liaoz,too sleepy to 'destroy'the nursery rhymes further..cant believe i can write all tis while my sis is hittin herself until her nose bled la..current injuries:(maybe) a broken nose, another blue-black eye n bruises etcetera..*sighs*i wonder if its her medicine making her do tis..but i'm more worried abt my mum whu's getitn too old to handle her also..seems like i'm pretty apathetic to wat my sis is doin to herself,but when i tink how even teh Doctors are helpless to help her, wat more can a sis like mi do..useless me as always..When i tink how NYP physiotherapy takes in students who dun haf a'level 'science' subject, i shud've try my chances to go n apply instead..but i knew all tis too late liaoz..not tat i regret joinin DMSM,but maybe i shud've taken That up so at least its Relevant to helpin my sister wif her condition..if only i had knew earlier LOR..but maybe its all juz fate..even if i take it after i haf my DMSM cert,will it be too late to help my sis den..?i shall not tink abt it,n sleep!..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Wednesday, January 19, 2005

12th October 1985

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

the OJ's song is sooo nice,i'm listenin to it once more..n yea well,i was surfing all his fans websites during finance lab,coz once again i'm not understandin wat WW is tokin abt..i mean when she realised that time is runnig short n she gotta rush to teach us wat she knew..she lost us totally full stop..ok fine,she lost me..esp my attention i made up for it by lookin at OJ(oliver james)photos cutee..he used to have brown hair but he looked better wif black..:D dat proves Asians n italians n whoeva wif black hair r Hotter than any other coloured y do we spend so much time n money dying me..

Had aikido again today n the 'ballerina' Had to make his presence first, he scolded dawn for some silly stuff which i felt was really silly wasnt related to aikido at all, she shud have juz scold him back but then again, no pt. arguin wif The ballerina..i still remembered y we called him that..coz he was Twirling around after the lesson n bumped into Dawn..n he didnt even Rude!Crazy guy..anyway,he was asked to partner Sirch(is dat how i spell his name) n demonstrate a couple of time, n e Made a fool out of himselfin front of us..thats coz he didnt understand wat Sirch wanted to do in the first place.."-.- Me partnered wif Phally and Ian looked so happy when he saw her that i really am beginning to think he has a crush ohn her..i mean, i caught him twice smiling that silly happy grin at her lol!plus many other times when she comes for trainings..

Went to look for Jasper after that at amk central..he was with his bunch of friends coz they were doing their projects but he said they ended up slacking n daydreaming..i ate ljs n he ate western food from a company calle d Tenderfresh coz he said they served great foood..made me wonder how he knew or even notice that tiny sticker that said 'tenderfresh' was a malay stall of course juz great for him la..sometimes i feel bad that he's willin to eat malay food when i couldnt eat chinese food without the halal sign..But he 'sabo' me by makin mi eat the 'black' or veiny parts of the chicken when i wasnt looking..>.
See, the reason i Dont like to eat those veiny parts is coz those veins used to carry the blood from the chicken's brain to its lungs n eventually ito its heart..does chicken haf lungs?they shud have ritez..??Fara,dawn pls educate i dont haf the heart to look and eat those veiny parts coz they used to be part of a clucking existing living chicken!!..So naturally He called me weird n said i shud be blindfolded when eating chicken "-.-!! I tried goin vegetarian once n got scolded by my parents that i was turning into a 'buddhist'n forsaking my own religion..

Been a long time since i walked around amk wif him..these days its hard to do so wif my horrible was gettin late n his mum almost called but didnt coz she put it down b4 he could answer..i felt bad that its my own selfishness to spend time wif him that he sometimes haf to get home past 10pm..but at least he didnt send mi home or it'll b super duper late..*hugs*..told him i'll b gettin 20 tis year, n his reply was 'then i'll start callin u old grannie'..hmph!!being a year older is so misleading..n old..

like a lonely highway,now i'm tryin to get home..ooh,love's been a long time coming..*smiles n yawns like a contented baby*..har,i juz saw a lizard wif a missin tail peeped out besides my worn out sofa..Tiger's been doin her job i see besides being a 1st time mother..Zz*hugs*

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Tuesday, January 18, 2005

12th October 1985

Monday, January 17, 2005

*smiles*i watched 'my fair princess 3' again today..thx gdness i was showin..there was nothing else on tv,not even cartoons!..i mean 'connie the cow'..wat kind of cartoon is dat?sounds cute la full stop..that '1st wife' zhihua's dark secret is finally out yongqi n little swallow's love is back on track yay!..but i felt for poor ziwei who's pinin for her husband..i cant see me living on w/o my other half by my side..i tink i'll juz become a nun or somethin..

today was my 2nd class..*sighs*i am a religious Ignoramus..shameful to say but i know more abt the historical significances of christianity thx to john donne. n mr yeo, than my own religion..i mean,i tink i basically knew much abt my own religion but wat i knew is like scattered everywhere in my ignorance of my own religion sometimes made me felt i am being blasphemous *sighs*..Anyway,i learnt that women has 9 desires while men has 1(which is also the biggest sinful desires-of women) ustazah nvr specify but i tink i shud roughly be able to,clothes,beauty,men,love..err ritez?

anyway,went expo wif my mum n bought a couple of bras n pillows!i mean,they were bloody cheap so juz go for it lor..yesterday's expenses n today's trip totaled up to abt 260bucks ++..but i hope mum enjoyed herself since she hardly get to go out n shop ard..i was missing my monkey but i had fun wif her too,the next step is to get her to enjoy herself out of the country n spend more time wif dad..heh..i noe its like a HUGE step..but juz wants her to be happy dats all..even if it'll cost wat little time i haf wif my dear monkey..nitez ..haf a gd week,i hope i will haf..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Monday, January 17, 2005

12th October 1985

Its been a loooooong time since i answered online personality quizzes..juz for the heck of it,i went to tis personality quiz link i found on Addy's blog *grinz* always,the answers were pretty predictable..i'm a bore of myself..

1st personality quiz..
Wackiness: 56/100Rationality: 60/100Constructiveness: 66/100Leadership: 40/100
You are a WRCF--Wacky Rational Constructive Follower. This makes you a Paul Begala.(WHO?!sounds like paul bengali :P)..You are unflappable(flap flap!!)and largely unconcerned with others' reactions to you(dats true..). You were not particularly interested in the results of this test, and probably took it only as a result of someone else asking you to(haha!!). You have a biting wit and intense powers of observation.(super..) No detail is lost on you, and your friends know it--relying on you to have the facts when others express only opinions. (yea,but tat made mi boring..)You are even-tempered, friendly, and educated.(yea,i survived the 'a's ..just barely:D) Foolish strangers may mistake your mildness for weakness(tis is so damn true..)--they will be surprised.You entire approach to life is enviable. You will raise good kids.(Hopefully!i want will be called Jeffrey..the other Daniela...):D)Of the 76459 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 4.8 % are this type. (yea,i'm dat rare..i'm almost extinct!Preserve moi!)

2)Relationship style...
eXpressive: 8/10Practical: 9/10Physical: 6/10Giver: 0/10 (hey,i gave alot..i tink..)
You are a XPYT--Expressive Practical Physical Taker. This makes you a Player.You are clever, sexy and sexually oriented. You know what you want and how to get it. You command attention in a room of strangers, as your charisma, your personality and your spending habits are all oriented toward making an impression on your target sex. You pay attention to details. You reel people in easily, but have a harder time keeping them around since you are just as demanding in a long term relationship as you are on a night out.(really meh..v.v) Combine your demanding nature with the fact that you're hard to keep up with and easily bored,(see?i'm a bore to others n myself) and you get a recipe for problems with fidelity. In a conflict, you're brutal (tink aikido n tkd..but i nvr use it on him watt..)-- you know how to unleash one cutting remark that turns a normal fight into a brawl or a breakup. (a genetic trait picked up from my dearest mummy)Your general attitude is you just don't have time for fighting (yuP!)-- if you feel like your current partner doesn't understand you, you know you can find another one.(so many fishes,so little time..but i dont want that many fishes,i juz want my monkey^^)You may see yourself in a parent and dislike his/her choices, so you want to avoid them for yourself(huh?!). You feel confined by social pressures, both to pair up and stay paired(not really.i dont choose to be wif him coz of peer pressure..). It will (and should) take you years to settle (and for you, it may really feel like you're settling). Please use a condom.(wahaha!save that for marriage please)Of the 178084 people who have taken this quiz, 8 % are this type(so is it good or bad?)..

*grinz*haiya,wateva..i am defined only by one thing/person..that is me myself!..though sometimes i dun bother to really stand up to stand out..*tinks*..i read tis article from Cleo earlier where u haf to see urself n ur personality as a marketing brand instead of waitin for others to 'brand' u behind ur back..oh well..had a happy weekend of shoppin wif my mom,but didnt get to see my monkey for whole 2 days..=( haiya,thats life~c'est la vie~!..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Monday, January 17, 2005

12th October 1985

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Hapi (belated)birthday to u!
happy (belated)birthday to u
Happi (belated)birthday to ADDY
Happy (belated)birthday to you!!

Cannot believe i missed Addy's birthday after like not readin her blog since like a few days ago..felt so horrible now..hmpH..i know Yirang's birthday comin up..n so is Kenneth n siewhoon..but the nearest is valentina..or is it yirang?..or is there anyone else birthdays i'm forgettin..bad girl,bad bad girl me..>.<..

Feelin bloody gd shows on tv is being weird..first they showed 'blue thunder' then they showed 'red water' right after..are they tryin to be cute??..Anyway,me watched 'my fair princess 3'..erkang didnt die after all but got kidnapped by the burma 'prince' or princess..who is damn chio la but quite spoilt..musha?isnt that the name of Mulan's dragon?..Little swallow got demoted to 2nd wife..while the "1st" wife gave birth n almost died..i tink she shud die also, made yongqi's life so difficult..who cum up wif the rule that prince must haf many wives n concubines ah..those women shud b trained to be his bodyguards to save resources hah..i am being lame..I remembered how i use to idolise 'yongqi''s character..even wrote abt him somewhere inside my diary..abt wat a perfect guy he was in the first two seasons of 'my fair princess'..then yunli gave mi his poster but dunno where i threw it..

Anyway,no females shud haf the decency to put up wif sharing a husband ritez?..i noe its LEGAL in islam..but alot of guys,why must put up wif one guy who wants alot of wives the equation is not balanced ritez..?Just like how Rachel my jc friend, used to say short girls with long hair doesnt look proportionate, the same logic applies..i tink ^^

wateva,i'm goin Mustafa wif my mum now..ciaoz~

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Saturday, January 15, 2005

12th October 1985

heh,i just puked like 5mins ago after stuffin myself wif ridiculous food like microwaved chicken paus, and lo mai kai bought from 7-11 ..ahh,it felt good though..while i was puking, i tot how it can corrode ur teeth and damage the linings of ur stomach from excessive vomiting..Ok,Ok i'm not anorexic or stomach just didnt feel good..n i am not pregnant choy!..wif the constant irritant in my life(of living wif gastric pain but it could be worse so i'm not complaining..not much anyway..)..its just as well my stomach is upset wif me again what wifs the flu and least my nose is not trying to run away from me again..*sighs*..

N i had mild diarrhoea for the past few days too..came to school just in time to shit ar..lihui was wonderin y i zoomed off suddenly when she's talkin abt the plushie wif me..nature's calls-sorry ^^..watery shit hha..yeuccks..y am i even bloggin tis.."-.-

Ok,now to the finer,less watery parts of the day..which i couldnt wait to be over to spend time wif the monkey least, finance lecture wasnt so bad..i actually listened and understood which is like once in a blue moon..didnt play cards today(ritez?!i shall try to stay away from it)..n let roshidah take over me hha!..after lecture was break then it was scriptwritin lesson..which wasnt that bad was actually educational(is dat the word?lol!) brought us to e-learning lab where we surf this site( that was actually quite cool ar..then it was AV..TEST..dotz..n it was like a REal Test..threw me off abit la coz i was expecting easy, multiple-choice one..there was like 2 12mrks questions which i wrote onli v.little for both..n doodled alot like the drawings of the condenser mic n ribbon mic..dats wat my jc geog teacher taught me ar..dunno wat to write, DRAW..hopefully can score some marks :D..maybe tats y i got just a 'c' for the 'A's..maybe i shud've written more than spend time drawing n colouring..-.-"..

Anyway,we played around wif the boom mics after that which at first cracked me up when ms pereira tried to lay them up on the table..they reminded me of huge brooms..huge high-tech brooms wahaha..then she tok abt the cables n commented we had joined the 'female' bit to the mic..which cracked me up further now we haf gender-specific equipment..the camera is 'male' while the boom mic is 'female' together to become wat?my sec-sch best friend would really haf a blast esp wif her 'dirty' mind hha!Ahem..k..then the school day finally ended..then its 'happy'time wif the monkey..happy rare time to spend together this semester..

i guessed when we dont spend much time together that we really learn how to treasure each other more..not that we dont treasure in the 1st place ar..went to town to haf dinner at shaw..both of us ate the cheapskate $2.95 kfc meal..where the burger is really damn cute and small ar..then this 'santa claus' angmoh guy joined us at our table..y i said santa claus?coz he really looked like onela..but he got a gray beard..i tried to observe without being too obvious but he noticed me lookin so juz paiseh-ly smiled at him la..he got small blue eyes..reminded me of Christopher, the old man i tok to in the old age home few years back..i wonder if he's still around..i didnt keep my promise to him that i'll be back, and until today, i feel super guilty..Anyway, i jus said bye-bye to the 'santa-claus' guy when we're leavin..abit shy to start a conversation but it was fun juz starin at his beady blue eyes ..heh,santa claus landed in front of me w/o any presents :p..

Then my monkey n me walked all the way to PS to take the purple line train home..i guessed he missed sendin me home..w/ me endin sch late everyday,there's hardly a time where he could send me home during school days..=(..just gotta live..n learn to deal wif it..:D..Aww..*hugs*i missed my monkey..^^It was a short date but its better than least, i got to be wif him for few hours just to makan a little.

At home,i crapped around wif my mum(she was in a gd mood) a little..found her at home starin at the tv screen which was showin the bollywood movie..then she exclaimed that she havent feed my sis dinner yet cos was watchin the show..she actually dragged my sis's huge wheelchair to the living room jus so she could feed and watcha at the same the papers n saw Taufik on the cover page of LIFE!..teased mum at her 'adopted idolised son'..she's abigger fan than me lor! got home awhile later(one of those rare nites where he come home) i had that little family gathering i always wished for..ok,my brother n his family wasnt around but its gd enuf i guessed..(when will i ever get to haf a nice bif family gathering w/o anyone else missin)..*wishful*..then mum n i went downstairs to get some food and ice-creams from 7-11..which i eventually vomited out due to my crazy stomach la..saw Paul at the traffic lite on the way home..he was gettin home after havin steamboat wif his poly friends..

N thats tat..for 2day at least..shall go n sleep instead of playin online daidee..g'nitez..

Tot of the day..When we are 2gether, there are times when we seemed to bump into elderlys who have difficulty boardin the bus, or findin their ways home or to the hospital..there was once when we bumped into an Indian tourist who lost her tour group in Sentosa..Tell me..are all these instances jus coincidental,or are we just fated to be together..n lend a helpin hand to them..

hmmz..nvm,i shall hug that thought to sleep..sweet dreams^^

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Saturday, January 15, 2005

12th October 1985

heh,i just puked like 5mins ago after stuffin myself wif ridiculous food like microwaved chicken paus, and lo mai kai bought from 7-11 ..ahh,it felt good though..while i was puking, i tot how it can corrode ur teeth and damage the linings of ur stomach from excessive vomiting..Ok,Ok i'm not anorexic or stomach just didnt feel good..n i am not pregnant choy!..wif the constant irritant in my life(of living wif gastric pain but it could be worse so i'm not complaining..not much anyway..)..its just as well my stomach is upset wif me again what wifs the flu and least my nose is not trying to run away from me again..*sighs*..

N i had mild diarrhoea for the past few days too..came to school just in time to shit ar..lihui was wonderin y i zoomed off suddenly when she's talkin abt the plushie wif me..nature's calls-sorry ^^..watery shit hha..yeuccks..y am i even bloggin tis.."-.-

Ok,now to the finer,less watery parts of the day..which i couldnt wait to be over to spend time wif the monkey least, finance lecture wasnt so bad..i actually listened and understood which is like once in a blue moon..didnt play cards today(ritez?!i shall try to stay away from it)..n let roshidah take over me hha!..after lecture was break then it was scriptwritin lesson..which wasnt that bad was actually educational(is dat the word?lol!) brought us to e-learning lab where we surf this site( that was actually quite cool ar..then it was AV..TEST..dotz..n it was like a REal Test..threw me off abit la coz i was expecting easy, multiple-choice one..there was like 2 12mrks questions which i wrote onli v.little for both..n doodled alot like the drawings of the condenser mic n ribbon mic..dats wat my jc geog teacher taught me ar..dunno wat to write, DRAW..hopefully can score some marks :D..maybe tats y i got just a 'c' for the 'A's..maybe i shud've written more than spend time drawing n colouring..-.-"..

Anyway,we played around wif the boom mics after that which at first cracked me up when ms pereira tried to lay them up on the table..they reminded me of huge brooms..huge high-tech brooms wahaha..then she tok abt the cables n commented we had joined the 'female' bit to the mic..which cracked me up further now we haf gender-specific equipment..the camera is 'male' while the boom mic is 'female' together to become wat?my sec-sch best friend would really haf a blast esp wif her 'dirty' mind hha!Ahem..k..then the school day finally ended..then its 'happy'time wif the monkey..happy rare time to spend together this semester..

i guessed when we dont spend much time together that we really learn how to treasure each other more..not that we dont treasure in the 1st place ar..went to town to haf dinner at shaw..both of us ate the cheapskate $2.95 kfc meal..where the burger is really damn cute and small ar..then this 'santa claus' angmoh guy joined us at our table..y i said santa claus?coz he really looked like onela..but he got a gray beard..i tried to observe without being too obvious but he noticed me lookin so juz paiseh-ly smiled at him la..he got small blue eyes..reminded me of Christopher, the old man i tok to in the old age home few years back..i wonder if he's still around..i didnt keep my promise to him that i'll be back, and until today, i feel super guilty..Anyway, i jus said bye-bye to the 'santa-claus' guy when we're leavin..abit shy to start a conversation but it was fun juz starin at his beady blue eyes ..heh,santa claus landed in front of me w/o any presents :p..

Then my monkey n me walked all the way to PS to take the purple line train home..i guessed he missed sendin me home..w/ me endin sch late everyday,there's hardly a time where he could send me home during school days..=(..just gotta live..n learn to deal wif it..:D..Aww..*hugs*i missed my monkey..^^It was a short date but its better than least, i got to be wif him for few hours just to makan a little.

At home,i crapped around wif my mum(she was in a gd mood) a little..found her at home starin at the tv screen which was showin the bollywood movie..then she exclaimed that she havent feed my sis dinner yet cos was watchin the show..she actually dragged my sis's huge wheelchair to the living room jus so she could feed and watcha at the same the papers n saw Taufik on the cover page of LIFE!..teased mum at her 'adopted idolised son'..she's abigger fan than me lor! got home awhile later(one of those rare nites where he come home) i had that little family gathering i always wished for..ok,my brother n his family wasnt around but its gd enuf i guessed..(when will i ever get to haf a nice bif family gathering w/o anyone else missin)..*wishful*..then mum n i went downstairs to get some food and ice-creams from 7-11..which i eventually vomited out due to my crazy stomach la..saw Paul at the traffic lite on the way home..he was gettin home after havin steamboat wif his poly friends..

N thats tat..for 2day at least..shall go n sleep instead of playin online daidee..g'nitez..

Tot of the day..When we are 2gether, there are times when we seemed to bump into elderlys who have difficulty boardin the bus, or findin their ways home or to the hospital..there was once when we bumped into an Indian tourist who lost her tour group in Sentosa..Tell me..are all these instances jus coincidental,or are we just fated to be together..n lend a helpin hand to them..

hmmz..nvm,i shall hug that thought to sleep..sweet dreams^^

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Saturday, January 15, 2005

12th October 1985

Friday, January 14, 2005

Long Time Coming

Everybody wants to be loved
Every once in a while
We all need someone to hold on to
Just like helpless child
Can you whisper in my ear
Let me know its all right

It's been a long time coming down this road
and now I know what I've been waiting for
And like a lonely highway
I'm trying to get home
Love's been a long time coming.

You can love for a lifetime
You can love for a day
You can think you've got everything but
Everything is nothing when you throw it away
Then you look in my eyes
And I have it all once again


Didn't know I was lost
Till you found me
Didn't Know I was blind
But now I see
Can you whisper in my ear
Let me know its all right
It's been a long time coming down this road
and now I know what I've been searching for
Been a long, long highway
And now I see
Love's been a long time
Oh been a long time
Love's been a long time coming.
Greatest Story Ever Told

Thank you for this moment
I've gotta say how beautiful you are
Of all the hopes and dreams I could've prayed for
There you are
If I could have one dance forever
I would take you by the hand.
Tonight its you and I together
I'm so glad I'm your man

And if I lived a thousand years
You know, I never could explain
The way I left my heart to you
That day. But if destiny decided
I should look the other way
Then the world would never know
The greatest story ever told
And did I tell you that I love you tonight?

I don't hear the music
When I'm looking in your eyes
But I feel the rhythm of your body
Close to mine.
Its the way we touch that sends me
Its a way we'll always be
Your kiss, your pretty smile
you know I'd die for
Oh baby, your all I need.

And if I lived a thousand years
You know, I never could explain
The way I lost my heart to you
That day.
But if destiny decided I should look the other way
Then the world would never know
The greatest story ever told
And did I tell you that I love you,
Just how much I really need you
Did I tell you that I love you tonight? (Repeat)

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Friday, January 14, 2005

12th October 1985

Just watched 'what a girl wants' for the 2nd time on hbo, and its confirmed..oliver james is Hot!..damn smoldering hot..n his voice is amazingly's damn the voice,wow..i'm salivating..kiddin..been years since i like any actors from hollywood after kevin zegers(whose acting career didnt exactly take off n he retired from it n went back to normal life i tink..aww) its Oliver james..waah..his voice is damn very nice..*dreams*..i'm still waitin for the monkey to sing me the song he promised..'memories of life'..he teased mi abt it but then refused to sing it dotz....juz downloaded Oliver james' songs illegally n now its playin on my winamp..ahh,i'm swept away..hmm,bad girl me..

It's been a long time coming
down this road and now I know
what I've been waiting for
And like a lonely highway
I'm trying to get home
Love's been a long time coming

Thats a part of what he sang. i shall post his lyrics on the next post..aww,he's damn adorable n the lyrics are sooo nice..soo made up the horrible day at school today..n i really meant horrible la..from the pt my monkey left mi till the last lesson ended,it was a complete horrible day ..i mean,the day sux..for me la..xcept for the time spent wif the slackers or teachin roshidah dai dee..maybe coz i didnt come yesterday so was a little out of tune..n today's filmin juz tuned mi out Further..honestly, i couldnt b bothered to film coz like khairiyah said, 10pairs of hands to one camera is simply too much n ridiculous la..obviously toes got stepped on somehow..n she got pissed off n defensive(sorri for tat girl,we didnt mean to get ur hackles up)..but i was already sianz also..sick n sianz..for me,today's filmin was disorganised,messy n ridiculous la..honestly but its OVER..heh,but got time to wash my eyes abit la when the likes of leslie kwok,ronald susilo, allan tern came to the auction..then the cast of Achar! came n i was like pretty happy ar coz Achar's 'mother' came whom i really like jolly n dolly lookin,plump2 somemore..wish i could haf stayed on to watch her auction jacelyn tay's book but too sianz to bother..

then the day got worse when vc scolded my grp for not handin up the report on time n that we used a 'lie to cover another lie' as she puts it..wahlauz...I mean,seriously..first it was the filmin chaos that got to me..then as i watched the fishnet board they put up abt the tsunami,my mood went down further that pt, i really wanna break down already..until meemum n loolin asked mi to get lost from there coz they were filming the fisnet board..dotz..i mean all over asia,everyone else lives are RUINED..wateva modernisation they had try to fit into their life..wateva globalised changes they had try to adept to were RUINED..their LIVES are ruined,y are we singaporeans so blessed..sometimes i feel its unfair..i mean,these ppl whose lives were disrupted..their lives were already at a so-called BAD not upscaled n modernised watsoeva..all they had were their simple lives n their fishin nets n their farms..ALL tis point, their lives start back again at SQUARE ONE..n we blessful singaporeans sittin safely in our hdb flats in our concrete technological jungle..

n still goin on our lives n squabblin like the kiasu singaporeans we are..such as tryin to rush n board the train or the buses while leavin behind the elderlys or the weak who's attemptin to walk over to the bus on her/his own..i mean,its DAMN sick la..y i said tis?coz i experienced tis on tuesday..there the old lady was hobblin on her gd foot at the front of the queue n everybody behind simply rushed over to the bus for fear the bus leaves without their hurry,they could've topple the old lady down la w/o so much a glance..i'm not creditin myself or my dear for being thoughtful,but the least they could do is WAIT for the old lady to get up the bus la..wah the end,the bus driver waited for us 3 to get up la..see?so wats the pt of rushin over to the bus when the driver is still gonna wait for the old lady n na na na na serve u rite..heartless SICKOs *geram*..

*sighs*can see that i really havent recover all that much..still a bit flushed n feverish n v.tired..n sick n disgusted n i just missed havin my monkey wif mi..i was really lucky today to bump into him*happi*but he could only stay awhile b4 i had to start the ridiculous filming is a horrible day..but its worse for those whose lives are just startin over from..nothing..not even a fertile land to start heart goes out to them..i really wanna cry..*miserable*..

nvm,shall go n look at pictures of oliver james n listen to his 2 songs dat i downloaded..he's so hot..awww..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Friday, January 14, 2005

12th October 1985

Happy birthday to u
happy birthday to u
happy birthday to caryn
happy birthday to u =)

To the omnipotent(the Swords girl,all powerful indeed..esp in daidee) girl in our midst of slackers, happi 18th birthday u can chase energy legally at zouk n chinablack n whereva places u were once "forbidden" to go okie;) hha..i felt so old..*grinz*happi birthday..sorri we didnt get to celebrate ur bday proper since u cao sch earlier than us anyway 2day..hope u had a great bday,n hope u like the present okie.cyaz in sch!

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Friday, January 14, 2005

12th October 1985

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

"For a love thats true, i'll wait forever. No matter how long it'll take, i'll be waiting for the moment when we'll be together one day.."

K,i took that from paul's msn nick n sort of edited it till it rhymed abit lah..does it make sense?*frowns*i like to think it does..does it?hee..anyway,i'm feeling better after aikido trainin at tcc today..sensei is ritez when he said that if ur sick n not feelin well, juz come for training..i did n i dont regret it..felt so much alive..

n i got to partner wif this girl whu can like 'talk' to me n pointed wats wrong n ritez..i felt so much encouraged..someone in the DOjo can actually TALK to me ..but really, i should try to listen more with my mind than instead of wantin ppl to talk..heh..gradin is comin up soon n i'm still scared ar..i think first time gradings are always the hardest coz u dunno wat to expect really..i haf no idea wat to expect..same goes for my first tkd gradin(wah so long ago..i felt so old) first black belt tkd gradin..n now v.first aikido gradin..wahh..i felt much more encouraged when i confided in my partner today that i haf no confidence to go thru the gradin..her reply was 'dont worry.nobody has. juz look ard n try to follow'.."-.- Dotz!!..Must feel more confident in myself liaoz..

didnt go to sch today(hi everybody!) but i went to acc Ming to the sub.courts since she wanted to get the feel of goin there n write reports..went into this court where it continued its session b4 lunch..n can see its a super long case la..somethin abt someone got beaten up by family members in the house n blood stains in the alot of ppl involved until both ming n mi like v.blur lor..then the damn lawyer kept askin stupid qns regardin the photographs taken at the crime scene where he went n ask the witness e.g 'Is this your house?','can you see the toilet from here?', 'can you please point out where is the fridge', 'how many blood stains do you see?'..'are the 2 blood stains taken the same?'..stupid la,i mean i noe its juz procedures but it took him like half hour jus to ask abt the entire kitchen -.-..i was like 'get on wif it!!'..finally he got on but its still v.lengthy..i tink abt 7-8 ppl were involved ..i dunno if the victim died anot lei..but i noe one of the agressors went somethin like 'he fucked my younger brother's can i not get involved?'..n the lawyer was like 'can u pls repeat that statement' to the translator who was helpin to translate the witness's words..n i was like 'whoa..the lawyer said 'fuck' twice..' court somemore..COOL..

We gave up halfway when the court adjourned for dunno y also n walked around somemore..the foreigner's court was closed for the day i tink..n we went into another court where the malay judge was damn fierce la..we sat there for few mins coz it was clearin out already..then we gave up for that day n went shoppin for shoes at chinatown..i tink Ming is the only one whu's willin to walk around chinatown lookin for shoes lor..i was abit worried i was boring her out but she didnt mind coz she juz wants to look for shoes n explore chinatown(where i wasnt really that familiar ar)..finally she bought at chinatown point n we split coz i had to go for trainin n she's goin home b4 goin clubbin wif her friend..*smiles*it was fun today ming,but too bad i wasnt feelin all that great to hang out wif..

As i had said, aikido today was better least i dun feel dat demoralised as i always feel when i go for trainings at TCC...then got tis japanese girl senior who lookd like Sailormars or that girl from love hina who practised pretty like a jap.ghost like fara said..never partner wif her b4 n i dun tink ill like too..fara said she's v.graceful but forceful..first time partner wif her you'll end up havin kind of magic she used in aikido liaoz..O.O!think i better stay away from her or she'll eat mi up for trainings..

Nothin else to do already..maybe will go sleep n go sch 2morrow..tink its gonna b a busy day wif the shootin of the school's auction ongoin..*sighs*Still a bit tired,but hopefully the fever will go away soon so i can function much more normally at a much faster life is like a bit slow motion so feelin a bit sianz..

in my life,i tink i need to haf PE..aikido is not that strenous to really burn my carbs much or get me as fit as i was in this rate,by 3rd yr,i'll b too unfit to even pass napfa..considerin i always get high points for napfa, the idea of gettin bronze or even failin is v.yucky..haiz..shant wori much,will go play online dai dee now :D..

n mingsia,dont worri abt ur 'problem' much,juz treasure the times u haf while it lasts..=)

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Wednesday, January 12, 2005

12th October 1985

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Life for the past 2 days has been foggy..hazzy..blurry..headache-y..think comin down wif a flu but yet again, i cant be comin down wif it like NOw..when the projects are all whacking left,right, centre..blearh..n i'm still laggin weeks behind in accountin..dotz..*yawns*..n WW's lab lessons never seemed to make any sense..not much anyway,not when she's conjuring 'magic shows' like syaz said, wif the Excel program..well,its fascinating anyway...

Didnt get to start on the vc's group report coz the labs were all full..joined the rest at North canteen..where they were discussin the family week..which i tink i shud juz dropped out coz i havent been contributin much ar..n i cant stay back long 2day coz i'm gonna see the doctor..but not b4 a grp meetin ar..felt so bad*sighs*..

Not even goin for aikido or tkd trainings..:(..juz gonna c b4 headin home..well,the bright spark is dat my monkey's accompanyin mi after sch..*smiles*..yay..

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Tuesday, January 11, 2005

12th October 1985

Monday, January 10, 2005

*-Miss Congeniality-*
Gracie Lou Freebush: Yeah, I was dating him for a while because he told me he had an incurable disease...
All Girls: ooh.
Gracie Lou Freebush: Yeah, I didn't realize it was stupidity.

Ok,just watched Ms Congeniality for the 3rd time n i ended up online lookin for the script..which is awesome lor..its damn hilarious, n sarcastic, n witty..Salute the scriptwriter man..I tink its like the funniest script ever..Without even readin the script, the movie's already a stand-up on its own la..Combined wif the acting, it made a super duper funny movie..somehow, i tink its funnier than 'dodgeball' which is also a funny,but Lameness written all over it..*hugely satisfied* good~

Thought i saw him yesterday when i was wif my dear..Wearing white, he was like the 'angel' that i used to think of him..i didnt understand y alot of ppl dislike his attitude,probably i nvr will la..I tink it was him..he cut his hair n was neat, the way i used to remember him as..the way i used to like him as also..The moment i saw, i was like a bit stunned coz i knew his train stop home was before looked exactly like,the build everything..i tink it was him..n deep inside, i felt a tinge of the sadness of the 'luv' i used to harbour for him durin sec-school days n halfway thru jc life..which was like 3.5 years?

Lookin at J,i never regret being wif him..but lookin at the "lost luv" dat was standin in front of me,i couldnt help but thought 'what if'..Yet i knew that being wif my dear Is the 'right' choice..I looked at my dear, n i looked across to where 'he' was standin..Deep inside, i knew he saw..n he knew i saw..then he disappeared like suddenly..i tink he went into the minimart at the bus stop or he went back to take the train home..-sad-..i could've approached him but i never did..J was askin mi y i was lookin at the busstop when i'm already on the bus..i juz replied 'oh,i thought i saw a friend, thats all'..n thats all we'll ever be..All my friends were ritez,he simply played me out..

But wat he taught mi was valuable..the time i tot i "loved" him..those times were like playing a game.."love is like a game.its up to u if u wanna b a sore loser n gets hurt"..but eventually, life moves on..I did,he did..n i know i luv my monkey.*smiles* Times wif a monkey can get pretty rough, but nobody says life or even love, is this case, whateva happens, both of us will get hurt..its not just mi loving him,but him lovin me..its not a one-sided love affair where i'll be the only one who doesnt mind gettin long as i knew he wont be hurt..I still play by this rule of mine..Never to hurt my monkey carelessly(though sometimes i did la, out of frustrations)..thats y i nvr use my skills against him..n he knew that damn well..
-You know it's worth it if ya find your heart-Bosson
I always will remember how I felt that dayA feeling indescribable to me, YeahI always knew there was an answer for my prayer
And you, you're the one for me

You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover all of the stars above us
-Gotta keep the faith when all seems lost foreva-Diana Degarmo
What do you see
When you look inside your heart
A little thought
Can walk a thousand miles
And change your life
When dreams lead the way
The impossible is suddenly in sight
Every step you take
Just brings it all together
You gotta keep the faith
When all seems lost forever
Love you,monkey.*smiles*

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Monday, January 10, 2005

12th October 1985

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Um,lets observe the minute of silence in respect of the tsunami victims..but i can type ritez?hee..ok,i tink its been more than a minute but i shall continue keepin quiet..does the traffic stops too?coz i tink i hear the vehicles on the road also stopping..

First thing first,i Gave uP on my can run off for all i care!!since the start of the semester, its been tryin to run away..go la,b4 i pull it off once n for all..if J n I were to have kids in the future, our kids would be nose-less coz we both got bad sinuses -.-! Juz crappin la, no harm intended..

Anyway,i went for my 1st religious class after a v.long long time(since like sec 2 where i refused to come back n study anymore..i still dunno wat became of my exams results, dont tink i did well hha!!) This class is shorter n its nearer..n i'm draggin Raihan along next week for some company,yay!!..but the class is made up of younger teens..n i felt damn old la..worse still if they're smarter than me..i felt so bloody stupid but i shall persevere n learn, n not run off!! My prayers been answered, its time i stick to it..If raihan do come along, then after the lesson can go n bowl hha~..Oh ya,i almost brought my huge poker cards to the religious class coz it was in my back..damn farnie ar..imagine playin daidee wif the rest of the class when the religious teacher walks in..i shall stop my addiction..n learn other card games..lihui, teach mi spades soon k?somehow, i tink i'm a bit adversed to learnin bridges but dunno y also..J taught mi poker yesterday at BK hha..not that fun lo coz depends on luck, not strategy..

Somehow, i tink i came to poly n became more shallow in my thinkin(shame on me)..though my mind is still actively thinkin, its not thinkin deeper like i used to..As compared to my old diary, this diary seemed more casual n yah,shallowed..I guessed the absence of learning literature n mr yeo's lessons are takin an effect on me..i missed learnin abt lit..the freudian stuff, the underlying meanings of actions n words..the primal nature of Man n his possible his actions depict his subconscious state of mind..the archetypes of things like colours n wat lilies depict..argh,i missed lit!!i missed geog too..the plate tectonics, the slopes..the waves..the wrath of mother nature(but i can read that in the papers these days la..only that i Want more of the Geog info that i learnt-which of course is not written in the papers la-how many journalists learn geog anyway)..It'll be fun if poly got such modules...or even psychology modules like nursin students haf la..i want deeper-meanin modules!!not like how to Manage this n that n especially not manage accounts!!Even MDA ppl are Scared of ACCOUNTS..i mean its fun la i mus admit, but do we REally need to Know all this to work in the media industry?..All the good media ppl learnt from experience lor..

Knowing mi, i'll incur more bad debts than anyone else lor..i cant remember how many times i paid 10cents or 20cents or even a dollar for the kids or elderlys whu came to my workplace n were short of money..dotz..There was this MINDS student whu came to buy drink n didnt haf money..guessed wat,i paid lor!!which was fine by me la, but if anyone else noe, i'll sure b scolded for being too kind..haiz,i'll make my company bankrupt faster than anyone ar..Can even donate alot of money when i myself dun haf money to spend on myself..where got ppl who's broke donate so much money..haiz..

K,shall stop n go bugis now..i am hungry again..^^

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Sunday, January 09, 2005

12th October 1985

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The horrible weekend is over..Monday's blues are over..Tuesday is over..wah,its 5th Jan already..Hey,itz 1 year exactly to when i started workin at Cheers..too bad,i quitted b4 my 1 year is up..I missed workin there(of course la.its been like so long!)..n ya,still havent return the uniforms:D..Missed Meng Yong,Brenda,Yati..but definitely not the TL or Manager..missed my old BIC though..

My sis is still 4days liaoz..n my mum is super tired out already..n my dad dun seemed to give a damn as usual..n i felt guilty that these 2 days i've been out at sch until super late coz of classes n training..tomorrow too would be another late day coz of extra training..*sighs*

SEnsei came back to teach today, after like a month's leave..maybe the sch nvr pay him to teach in December..Missed his wise words..n funny tales abt himself n aikido..when he came back to teach, everyone dont play play anymore, even mi n fara hee..i dont mean to play play la but sometimes i really wish can like Talk n Ask qns in the dojo,it'll be MUch Much the facts i missed the HQ's trainings alot of times too..cannot tahan being slammed around by the seniors at HQ..."-.- They'll make mi regret learnin aikido..Learnt alot from sensei manners r v.impt to a Strength is not valuable but 'ki' is..i tink 'ki' meant inner strength of someone..Ai is harmony of its wat?the art of harmonising your inner strength martial art?hee..somethin like dat la..N he said that being a small person doesnt mean you'll be easily fact, its the other way round..if u haf much 'ki' dat is..Gradin is on 6th Feb..argh,i'm gonna die lor!!

Read yirang's blog abt jc days..yea,i missed it too n i still havent collect my certificate:D..Jc days really made one grew up i guessed..i knew i did somehow..for sure, from my old blog, i knew that jc days were my toughest yet; the soured relationship btw my dad, the demands of jc schoolwork, the feeling of 'loss' i had coz i was like in totally new environment in the west..the struggles to succeed or simply tryin to cope with the workload, or even trying to learn how to 'study smart' n not hard..heh,i guessed i nvr really learn that last one coz see where i am lo..but i screwed up my Maths paper on my own..Remembered how i let my family prob affected the paper i was sittin for the day after..remembered how lost, n blur i was doing the paper..dun even noe wat i was doin la..but thx gdness i still scrapped by wif an 'E'..Still,it wasnt gd enuf..In jc, my results were never gd enuf ar for both the teachers n myself..the only 'A' i got was the v.first geog test in j1..

Of course, the frennies..though i dun really noe most of them in depth in j1, j2 really tested our bond n strength..tryin to shove the schoolwork n tests n exams off our shoulders together..tryin to inspire others while tryin to believe in myself..i dun really noe many ppl in pj though but i really loved being ard the tkd ppl apart from the frennies ar..Sylvia,isabelle,yu han,edmund,wei ru all..Saw the 3 guys recently n i was so freaking happi ar..didnt recognise them at first but was like totally overjoyed when saw them..coz like a year gone by without seein them..Missed the PJ training..yar,i noe jessie buggin us to reply to her email abt the PJ tkd alumni but none of us like bothered hha!!..jessie..har,dun like her dat much either..still dun for dunno y..Can swear by that PJ trainin is MUCh MUch better than NYP lor!..though not as much events like friendly matches, its more structured n bonded coz jc batch of taekwondoists are usually v.small onli ar..HOw we trained like every wed(when its a short day n everyone else disappear) in the Atrium of the school which is at the Entrance of the school n near the principal's office so Everybody whu walks past can SEe us SO Clearly in WHITE doboks..How we rushed to be near the library coz got aircon blowing out hha..Hey,the results like comin out soon too ritz..wah,damn fast..

N yea,my monkey came back..sweet..missed havin him ard these past few days..thx for comin back into my life..*smileS*

Nitez all

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Wednesday, January 05, 2005

12th October 1985

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Today..was a cardless day..felt a bit lost,coz my cards n my monkey wasnt around..2morrow my cards will be back..n yea,i believed, my cards do not haf to recognise me coz it grew up liaoz:P!..dats y its so 'big'..

got like alot of breaks as usual,since its a monday..the first half of it we wasted it on Meemum tellin us our fortunes n answerin our qns wif her tarot cards..though i was sceptical to believe it(muslims are not to believe in this kinda stuff anyway ar) was pretty fun all around la..some of the fortunes were quite predictable, like how Caryn is a 'powerful' person where success matters alot..n bifeng's one revolve around money..n roshidah's one is quite cute-there'll b a guy in her life after 6mths but for now,he's just droppin hints on her which 6 of us dont seem to get so we haf to wait until later half of tis year to know la..lihui's n mine was quite bleak..mine gotta do wif separations n break ups n money..which, in my current situation,is v.likely..*sad* MM said, i'm 'cups' person which i noe is super true la..n lihui gonna haf a "bad" financial yr or somethin ritez..nvm,we 2 are gonna haf bad years so shall stick together n rub the "bad" luck off together kk??PLus ur CNY is coming so the "year" is like endin for u ritez?..But hey,my career job prospects is damn good so must work harder twds it..n i still not sure wat it is though hee..Funny how lihui n mine fortunes seem to b quite similar:D..Fate

The second break i slept for awhile coz wasnt feelin well..had headaches whole day,maybe will haf flu..rachel,lihui,alex n bifeng were playin bridges if not wrong..then got lecturer walked past n scold..but i was too drowsy to even noe who he was la so continued sleepin..woke up after a bad dream abt the monkey n funnily,i woke up n wanted to eat prata..which i didnt get to eat coz we all went to North canteen instead..then played daidee where my luck is lousy all the way,didnt win a single game but caryn n rachel were fighting it out all the way..caryn even lost her temper when she didnt win..but she won in the end..duno la,lost count..

Gonna sleep now...i noe..bad dreams await it has done for the couple of days..sweet dreams to the rest

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Tuesday, January 04, 2005

12th October 1985

Monday, January 03, 2005

Got this feeling you're not gonna stay
It's burning within me
The fear of losing
Of slipping away
It keeps getting closer, baby
Whatever reason to live that I've had
My place was always beside you
And I wish that I didn't need you so bad
Your face just won't go away..
And everytime I try to flyI fall
without my wingsI feel so small
I guess I need you baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess I need you baby
I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song is my sorry
Before i started to dig out all the cheesy lyrics,i guessed i better leave it as dat..After a horrible weekend, i guessed there's nothin worse to be scared of will juz look forward to the new week tat is stretchin b4 me..whether i'll b walkin thru it on my own,with my friends, or if he decides to come back to my side, i know for sure..i'll be walkin the days by one..slowly..alone?*shrugs*who knows..Gee,i sound as though i'm already on my own once more..*grinz*who knows maybe i am..or will be..?Watch the my side..for someone whu dunno how to appreciate her loved ones,i deserved to be on my own once more ar..BUt i'm really happy for someone whu had Finally gotten together wif the one he loved for so long..FOr every bad thing that happens, there'll b a gd thing that happens to someone else..ya,i guessed its really true..*hugs*so happy for u K!!

Siti Nuraishah :+: Landed On :+: Monday, January 03, 2005

12th October 1985

:+: AbouT Me :+:

Pri/sec/jc/poly Educated..
Sometimes crazy
Sometimes not
Sometimes quiet
Sometimes not
i am just that one girl

:+: Loves :+:

My mum!
My sis
My monkey!
My friends
My religion
Aikido/tkd trainings
Educating myself
i am just that one girl trying to love everything b4 time runs out

:+: Unrest :+:

Bossy/Snobs/hypocrites/ACBC/Act COol PPl
Lizards!/Flying Cockroaches
I am just that one girl trying hard to keep an open mind

:+: Histories :+:

08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005

:+: Taggie! :+:

:+: Party List :+:
Valentina's blog"
  Caryn's blog"
  Lihui's blog"
  Jady's blog
  Chin Teck's blog
  KK's blog
  Yirang's blog
  C'belle's blog
  IS's blog
  IS's drawings-blog
  Iskandar's blog
  Addy's blog
  Jia Li's blog
  Ming Sia's blog
  Fara's blog
  Rachel's blog
  Syaz's blog
  Dawnie's blog
  Isabelle's blog

:+: Exits :+:

:+:Elaine's World

:+: Ragnarok Romance :+: